This class was created by Brainscape user Sana Rana. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

psychological models of health and well being
What are the models of health,
What is a disease,
What is an illness
17  cards
the dentist patient relationship
What is patient centred dentistry,
What is transference,
What is counter transference
15  cards
intro to evidence based practice
What are the four types of eviden...,
What is evidence based medicine,
What is evidence based medicine c...
26  cards
the psychology of anxiety
Describe behaviorism,
What is the key form of learning,
What is behaviourism based on
15  cards
patterns of health and disease
How do we measure health,
What have we noticed in patterns ...,
What indices are higher in poorer...
16  cards
ethnicity and health
What is race,
What is culture,
What is ethnicity
20  cards
E lecture- overview of dental anxiety
What is the anxiety cycle,
What is fear,
What is fear associated with
45  cards
psychological aspects of pain and pain management
What is pain
1  cards
the dentist patient relationship e lecture
what defines a profession understand the power differentials between the patient and the dentist demonstrate the different models of the dentist patient relationship and how they changed over time be able to modify communication to produce a mutual relationship with the patient
25  cards
health inequality
1. To consolidate the knowledge introduced in Year One. 2. To develop in-depth understanding, and to contribute to the debate, of the issues in social inequalities in health. 1. To discuss social determinants of health and oral health 2. To demonstrate an understanding of social inequalities in health and oral health 3. To discuss the theoretical explanations of social inequalities 4. To identify ways of tackling inequalities in oral health
19  cards
psychological aspects of pain and pain management COPY
What is pain,
How do we manage peoples pain,
What are the types of pain
27  cards
behavioural methods of anxiety control
how improved communication skills can reduce anxiety methods of helping anxious patients to accept treatment different approaches and techniques to adopt for anxious adults and children
22  cards
Living with chronic illness
To demonstrate knowledge of the prevalence and range of chronic illnesses in the population To demonstrate understanding of the impact of chronic illness on the sufferer To demonstrate understanding of the impact of chronic illness on carers To be able to relate this knowledge and understanding to dental patients and their oral health
37  cards
Depression and other psychological conditions
forms of depression instruments designed to measure anxiety and depression the range of pharmacological and psychological treatments of depression and the evidence base for these the social context of Depression including the protective effect of social networks
66  cards
social construction of disease and stigmatising conditions
What is the statistic relating me...,
What was mental health previously...,
What is health relative to
20  cards

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ssrd sr

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