This class was created by Brainscape user Curtis Tan. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

Week 1 - Energy Systems
Describe the process of atp resyn...,
Define the concept of power vs ca...,
How does exercise duration and in...
14  cards
Week 2 - Carbohydrate
Describe the distribution of carb...,
How does exercise impact liver gl...,
Define the relationship between c...
19  cards
Week 3 - Carbohydrate
Describe the difference between f...,
Define multiple transportable car...,
How does carbohydrate feeding dur...
17  cards
Week 4 - Hydration
Describe the percentage of water ...,
Define dehydration or hypohydration,
Define net body water balance
18  cards
Week 7 - Protein
Describe the role of amino acids ...,
What is the significance of prote...,
How to calculate nitrogen balance
16  cards
Week 8 - Protein
What amino acids are the most ess...,
Which promotes greater mps post e...,
Essential amino acids abundance i...
17  cards
Week 9 - Supplements
Describe the global sports nutrit...,
What is a dietary supplement,
What are the different types of s...
11  cards
Week 9 - Creatine
What is creatine,
Where is creatine stored,
Creatine turnover
16  cards
Week 9 - Nitrate CH
What is nitrate,
What are the effects of increase ...,
How does no supplementation incre...
8  cards
Week 10 - Caffeine
What is caffeine,
Describe the bio availability of ...,
What are the effects of caffeine ...
15  cards
Week 10 - Beta-Alanine
Describe the role of carnosine in...,
What is beta alanine and how does...,
Beta alanine in diet and suppleme...
8  cards
Week 10 - Sodium Bicarbonate
What is sodium bicarbonate,
What are the effects of nahco3,
Describe the best supplementation...
7  cards

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sports nutrition

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