sport psychology

This class was created by Brainscape user brooke sier. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

goal setting
What is a goal,
What are the two types of goals,
What is a objective goal
43  cards
mental imagery
What is mental imagery,
How is mental imagery different t...,
What is mental practice
33  cards
imagery ability
What is imagery ability,
Describe the processes involved t...,
What 5 dimensions are needed to i...
48  cards
arousal and anxiety
What is arousal,
What is anxiety,
What is anxiety in sport
17  cards
theories of arousal and anxiety
Describe the drive theory,
What does arousal effect depend on,
Describe the difference between s...
36  cards
self confidence and self efficacy
What is self esteem,
What is self confidence,
What impact can self confidence have
48  cards
self determination theory
What is the self determination th...,
What is intrinsic motivation,
What is an example of intrinsic m...
38  cards
well being
What is the world health organisa...,
What is the centre for disease co...,
What is shin and johnson 1978 def...
33  cards
Determinants of physical activity
What are health inequalities meas...,
What does life expectancy depend on,
What widened health inequalities ...
36  cards
promoting physical activity adoption and adherence
What did canadian fitness and lif...,
How many people were involved wha...,
What were the major barriers found
48  cards
improving inequalities in physical activity engagement
What do behaviour change communic...,
What do the messages promote,
How are public health messages de...
13  cards
anxiety, depression and sedentary lifestyle
What is anxiety,
Why is anxiety described as a pan...,
What are the symptoms of anxiety
26  cards
acute effects of physical activity on affect
What are the moderators of the ef...,
What study did ensari et al 2015 ...,
How many studies were included in...
27  cards
eating and unhealthy behaviours
What is body image dissatisfaction,
What is body image dissatisfactio...,
What is prevalence
37  cards
exercise dependence, overtraining and burnout
What is exercise dependence,
When is exercise dependence diagn...,
What are the symptoms of exercise...
34  cards
anabolic androgenic steroids
What are anabolic androgenic ster...,
How can they be administered,
What is the prevalance of steroid...
30  cards
competition and coordination
0  cards

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sport psychology

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