This class was created by Brainscape user Gladys Yu. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

Week 1
There are morally right actions a...,
What is a moral rule i m not look...,
Describe egoism what is a problem...
12  cards
Week 2
According to lasch what was the c...,
According to lasch what was the 1...,
According to lasch what was the e...
14  cards
Week 3
Why might one argue that it s an ...,
On the topic of role models what ...,
What is the athletes are ethicall...
10  cards
Week 4
What is rawls veil of ignorance a...,
What is loland s fair opportunity...,
What are inequalities of external...
14  cards
Week 5
Why does dixon make a distinction...,
Describe any two arguments agains...,
According to bordner what is posi...
7  cards
Week 6 (8) FINAL
What s the difference between the...,
Why do van hilvoorde and landewee...,
According to the standard view wh...
10  cards
Week 7 (9) FINAL
What s the non discrimination arg...,
What s the sport is a right argum...,
What s the domination argument ag...
7  cards
Week 8 (10) FINAL
Definitions matter or so wolfe cl...,
What is a family resemblance term...,
What is suits definition of game
8  cards
Week 9 (11) FINAL
Breveik considers 5 arguments for...,
What is breveiks verdict on the q...,
Russell considers and rejects fiv...
4  cards
Week 10 (12) FINAL
Olivier lists three things that m...,
What is localism in surfing,
How do locals sometimes try to ju...
8  cards
Week 11 (13) FINAL
Identify and describe the three t...,
According to dixon what are some ...,
According to dixon what are some ...
6  cards
Week 12 (14) FINAL
1  cards

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sport ethics

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