sport-bones-anatomy and physiology

This class was created by Brainscape user Florrie Butterworth. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

functions of the skeleton
What are the 6 reasons why we hav...,
What is an example of the body gi...,
What is an example of the body gi...
10  cards
long bones
What are the three functions of a...,
What is the main feature of a lon...,
What are some example bones
5  cards
short bones
What is the function of a short bone,
What are two features of a short ...,
What bones are examples of short ...
4  cards
flat bones
What is a short bones function,
What are the featres of a flat bone,
What bones are examples of these
4  cards
irregular bones
What is the function of irregular...,
What are some features of an irre...,
What are some example bones
3  cards
sesamoid bones
What are their function,
What are the features of this bone,
What is an example bone
4  cards
Classification Of Joints
What are the three classification...,
What s the feature description of...,
Where are fixed fused found
18  cards
Articulating Bones
What are articulating bones,
What are the articulating bones o...,
What are the articulating bones o...
5  cards
Movement Types
What does flexion do to the joint,
What does extension do the joint,
What does abduction do the limb
10  cards
Cervical Vertebrae
How many bones are in the cervica...,
What are the top 2 vertebrae,
What does the atlas do
4  cards
Thoracic vertebrae
How many bones,
What are each vertebra attached to,
What is the joint type
4  cards
Lumbar Vertebrate
How may bones,
What is special about this verteb...,
What is the function
4  cards
sacrum/ sacral vertebrate
How many bones,
What joint type,
Whats its function
3  cards
How many bones,
Joint type
2  cards
long and short term effects on the skeletal system
Name the 7 long term effects,
Short term effects,
Short and long term effects
16  cards
Synovial Joint
What are the 8 parts of the knee ...,
Where is the articular cartilage ...,
Where is the joint capsule locate...
9  cards

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sport-bones-anatomy and physiology

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