som 305: respiratory system and cardiovascular system ii

This class was created by Brainscape user Oratile Ramosweu. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (32)

WEEK 1: Respiratory Symptoms and Signs
Example 1 460 m entrepreneur smok...,
Example 2 420 m medical studentso...,
Example 3 450 m teacherdry cough ...
52  cards
WEEK 1: Microbiology of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis
Tb accounts for how many of adult...,
What is mycobacterium complex,
State the 8 components of the myc...
61  cards
WEEK 1: Clinical aspects and treatment of tuberculosis
Tuberculosis and other mycobacter...,
Outline active pulmonary tubercul...,
Outline active extrapulmonary tub...
17  cards
WEEK 1: Tuberculosis immunology
Your patient who is receiving pyr...,
You note your patient s sweat and...,
A patient with active tuberculosi...
14  cards
WEEK 1: Intra-thoracic malignancies
What is malignant tumor describe ...,
What are intrathoracic malignanci...,
Describe the classification of in...
27  cards
WEEK 1: Tuberculosis and Public Health
Outline risk factors for tb,
Outline the non bacteriological t...,
Outline challenges of
12  cards
WEEK 1: Imaging of the lung
What does darker and lighter mean...,
Arrange the following attenuation...,
Describe where we look when study...
15  cards
WEEK 1: Acute Respiratory Infections and pneumonias
Outline the upper airway defenses,
The sterility structure and funct...,
Define opportunistic pathogens
30  cards
WEEK 1: Images of disease Airflow limitation and bronchial asthma)
What is airflow limitation what i...,
Describe the spirometry volumes f...,
Describe emphysema
28  cards
WEEK 2: Nature of airways obstruction
State the types of airway obstruc...,
Describe the structure of airway ...,
Discuss the mechanism of airway o...
30  cards
WEEK 2: Palliative Care
What is palliative care,
Outline principles of palliative ...,
State the 4 components of palliat...
27  cards
WEEK 2: Physiological consequences of lung disease
What are obstructive diseases,
Define restrictive lung diseases,
Outline structural difference bet...
31  cards
WEEK 2: Pharmacology of airways obstruction
What is asthma,
State the 3 types of bronchodilat...,
Describe the moa of
31  cards
WEEK 2: Environmental Health
What is health,
What is an environment,
What is environmental health
26  cards
WEEK 2: Spiritual belief & bereavement
What is grief,
Give examples of grief,
What is bereavement
9  cards
WEEK 3: Cardiac symptoms & signs
Define breathlessness,
Define breathlessness dyspnea,
State the 3 types of dyspnea
44  cards
WEEK 3: The rhythm of the heart
What is cardiac cycle,
The timing and synchronization of...,
Discuss the sa nodewhat conrolls ...
45  cards
WEEK 3: Images of disease (Hypertension and heart failure)
What is hypertension,
What is heart failure,
Elevated blood pressure is an imp...
10  cards
WEEK 3: Ischemic heart disease
Review physiologic anatomy of cor...,
Discuss the branches of the left ...,
Discuss the branches of the right...
25  cards
WEEK 3: Pharmacology of the rhythm of the heart
Review the physiology of the cond...,
What is the name of the tissue th...,
Define the following terms 1 memb...
27  cards
WEEK 3: Psychological considerations in cardiac & respiratory diseases
Nearly 20 25 of acute mi patients...,
Define cardiac neurosis,
State the other names for cardiac...
35  cards
WEEK 3: Infective endocarditis
What is infective endocarditis,
State the possible causes of infe...,
Ie is a characterized by a vegeta...
19  cards
WEEK 3: Rheumatic heart disease
What is acute rheumatic fever arf,
Discuss the epidemiology of arf a...,
Discuss the etiological factors o...
18  cards
WEEK 3: Images of disease (ischemic heart disease and arrhythmias)
0  cards
WEEK 3: Imaging of the lung
0  cards
WEEK 4: Pathophysiology of heart failure
0  cards
WEEK 4: Epidemiology of coronary heart diseases
0  cards
WEEK 4: Pathophysiology of hypertension
0  cards
WEEK 4: Pharmacology of Hypertension and heart failure
0  cards
WEEK 4: Management of risk & decision making in cardiac diseases
0  cards
WEEK 4: Imaging of the heart
0  cards
WEEK 4: ECG Practice
0  cards

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som 305: respiratory system and cardiovascular system ii

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