software douchebags

This class was created by Brainscape user Dylan Scanlan. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

SE3352 Final
What are the steps in the softwar...,
What is the result of the require...,
What does the software developmen...
138  cards
ECE4436 Final
What is the fast retransmit mecha...,
Does tcp flow control rely on fee...,
Does ftp use handshaking
59  cards
SE3316 Final
T f server side scripting files c...,
Which server side scripting langu...,
Which server side scripting langu...
209  cards
SE3351 Midterm
What is project management,
What is a project,
What are the 3 components of the ...
128  cards
SE3314 Final
What are the 3 categories of a v ...,
What is digitization,
What is pulse code modulation
229  cards
SE3310 Final
What is a set,
What is a language,
What is computation
56  cards
3351 Final
What are the 3 project implementa...,
What is the best implementation t...,
What implementation tactic provid...
289  cards
SE4452 Testing Midterm
What are the quality factors in i...,
Which iso 9216 quality factor inc...,
Name the quality criteria attribu...
33  cards
How large is a block in des,
How large is a block in aes,
What is perfect secrecy
245  cards
SE4452 Testing FINAL
Genniwas favourite word,
What is the purpose of testing,
What are the two main testing cat...
440  cards
SE4455 Midterm
How much do we have to do for cap...,
What is a network cloud,
Gartner definition of cloud
147  cards
Ethics Midterm
What are the different types of i...,
What two documents should an engi...,
What are the 5 peo values
67  cards
What are the four propositions of...,
What are three causes of unemploy...,
Why is the ad curve downward sloping
9  cards
SE4455 Final (Unit 5-8)
Name 4 cloud management mechanisms,
How does the remote admin system ...,
What are the two types of remote ...
132  cards
Ethics Final
5 required elements of a contract,
What is the purpose of contract law,
Gratuitious promise
122  cards

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software douchebags

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