sociology - family

This class was created by Brainscape user Harveen Dhillon. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

booklet 1
What type of family has many gene...,
Which sociologist coined the term...,
Name one way in which childhood c...
20  cards
hectic teach flashcard 2
What is the expressive role,
Which sociologist is associated w...,
Which sociologists is associated ...
20  cards
hectic teach flashcard 3
What is a pure relationship,
Give one reason for the rise in t...,
What is age patriarchy
20  cards
hectic teach flashcard 4
Who investigated the tikopia trib...,
Give one reason for the decline i...,
What is meant by life expectancy
20  cards
Hectic Teach Flashcad 5
What is a household,
What is the difference between a ...,
Give one reason as to why family ...
19  cards
Hectic Teach Flashcard 6 :)
What is meant by a cereal packet ...,
What is meant by the aging popula...,
Give one reason for the aging pop...
20  cards
Policies Test
Identify 2 policies which support...,
Identify 2 policies which can be ...,
Identify 2 policies which can be ...
10  cards
Functionalist views of the family
What is the functionalist view of...,
What are the 4 functions of the f...,
What is the sexual function of th...
18  cards
marxist views of the family
What is the marxist view of the f...,
What is the cushioning effect,
Who is the key thinker of units o...
11  cards
Feminist views of the family
Why are feminists critical of the...,
What do feminists believe about g...,
What is the triple shift
14  cards
Postmodernism and Sociology of Personal Life
Key thinkers of sociology of pers...,
Definition of the family,
Personal life perspective on the ...
8  cards
Socal Policy Family
Fletcher view on policies,
New right views on social policy
2  cards

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sociology - family

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Looking for something else?

Sociology Family and Households (+key...
  • 9 decks
  • 185 flashcards
  • 16 learners
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