This class was created by Brainscape user molly kemp. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

Functionalism and education
What does durkheim say about the ...,
What does parsons say about the r...,
What do davis and moore say about...
6  cards
Marxism and education
What does althusser say about edu...,
What do bowles and gintis say abo...,
Eval postmodernists
5  cards
New right and education
What is the new rights perspectiv...,
What do the new right believe is ...,
What do gewirtz and ball say
5  cards
Educational policies and equality
What did the 1988 education refor...,
What is the problem with the nati...,
What did the 1965 comprehensivisa...
9  cards
Educational policies and marketisation
What are the 3 features of markes...,
What are the 3 elements of qualit...,
What are the positives of privati...
10  cards
Globalisation and education
Technological development feature...,
How has globalisation changed the...,
How have new technology changes d...
7  cards
Roles and processes in schools
What are the 2 ways of ranking st...,
What are the characteristics of t...,
What are the 2 language codes out...
8  cards
Pupil identities and subcultures
What are the two school subcultur...,
What are 2 factors that lead to t...,
How does the ethnocentric curricu...
6  cards
Class - internal factors
How does labelling impact educati...,
How does self fulfilling prophecy...,
How does self fulfilling prophecy...
8  cards
Class - external factors
What are 3 aspects involved wit c...,
What does bernstein say about lan...,
What does douglas say about paren...
9  cards
Ethnicity external factors
What did bowker say about language,
Eval bollard and driver,
What did murray say about ethnici...
9  cards
Ethnicity - internal factors
What does gillbourn and youdell s...,
What does foster say about settin...,
What does archer say about the id...
8  cards
Gender - internal
What does jackson say in relation...,
What does mitsos say in relation ...,
What does boaler say in relation ...
6  cards
Gender - external factors
What does sue sharpe say in relat...,
How has changes in the family imp...,
What do mitsos and browne say in ...
5  cards
Gender (boys)
How has literacy led to a gender ...,
What does mitsos browne say in re...,
How does laddish subculture lead ...
6  cards
Trends in subject choice
How has gender socialisation led ...,
What does murphy and elwood say i...,
What does kelly say about gendere...
9  cards

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sociology - education

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