sociology - education

This class was created by Brainscape user Eva Moores. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (23)

class differences in achievement - external factors - cultural deprivation
What is an external factor,
Explaining class differences,
Cultural deprivation
20  cards
class differences in achievement - external factors - material deprivation
What is material deprivation,
How is poverty closely linked to ...,
5  cards
class differences in achievement - external factors - cultural capital
What is cultural capital,
Educational and economic capital,
Leech and campos 2003
5  cards
class differences in achievement - internal factors - labelling
What is labelling,
Howard becker 1971,
Hemel jorgensen 2009
7  cards
class differences in achievement - internal factors - streaming
What is setting,
What is streaming,
9  cards
class differences in achievement - internal factors - pupil class identity
Archer 2010,
What does habitus mean,
Symbolic capital
7  cards
ethnic differences in achievement - external factors - cultural deprivation
What is ethnicity,
Bereiter and engelmann 1966 old s...,
Criticisms of beireiter and engel...
9  cards
ethnic differences in achievement - external factors - material deprivation
Does class override ethnicity
3  cards
ethnic differences in achievement - internal factors - labelling and identities
Gillborn and mirza 2000,
Labelling and teacher racism,
Gillborn and youdellblack pupils ...
11  cards
ethnic differences in achievement - internal factors - institutional racism
What is critical race theory,
What is locked in equality,
Marketisation and segregationgill...
12  cards
gender differences in achievement - external factors
Starting school,
Key stage 1 3,
10  cards
gender differences in achievement - internal factors
Equal opportunities policies,
Positive role models in schools,
Gcses and coursework
7  cards
gender differences in achievement - internal factors -identity, class and girls' achievement
Class and girls achievement,
Archer 2010,
Hyper heterosexual feminine ident...
5  cards
gender differences in achievement - internal factors - boys and achievement
Boys and literacy,
Globalisation and the decline of ...,
Feminisation of education
6  cards
gender differences in achievement - internal factors - subject choice
National curriculum,
A levels,
Vocational courses
9  cards
gender differences in achievement - internal factors - pupil's sexual and gender identities
Hegemonic masculinity,
Double standards,
Verbal abuse
9  cards
the role of education in society - functionalism
What do functionalists believe,
Durkheim social solidarity,
Durkheim society as a miniature
7  cards
the role of education in society - neoliberalism and the new right
The new right,
Effects of state control
6  cards
the role of education in society - marxism
Althusser ideological state appar...,
Althusser ideological state appar...,
Bowles and gintis schooling in ca...
9  cards
the role of education in society - interactionalist perspective
What do interactionalists believe...,
8  cards
educational policies prior to 1988
What is educational policy,
Education prior to 1944,
The tripartite system
12  cards
marketisation and education
Features of marketisation,
Reproduction of inequality
7  cards
conservative government policies from 2010
Coalition government,
Policies since 2010 academies,
Policies since 2010 free schools
7  cards

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sociology - education

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