This class was created by Brainscape user Mia L. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (31)

Introduction To Sociology
What is primary socialisation,
What is secondary socialisation,
What is the definition of culture
31  cards
What is marxism,
What are the criticisms of marxism,
How is marxism a conflict theory
25  cards
What is functionalism,
What are the criticisms of functi...,
What is a strength of functionalism
8  cards
Introduction To Education
State schools what is a community...,
State schools what are foundation...,
State schools what are city techn...
15  cards
Social Class Differences - External Factors - Cultural Deprivation
What is an external factor,
What is cultural deprivation,
What did the centre of longitudin...
23  cards
Social Class Differences - External Factors - Material Deprivation
What is an external factor,
What is material deprivation,
How does housing lead to underach...
9  cards
Social Class Differences - External Factors - Cultural Capital
How does bourdieu categorise cult...,
What is cultural capital,
What is educational capital
6  cards
Social Class Differences - Internal Factors - Labelling
What is labelling,
What does howard becker say about...,
What does hempel jorgensen say ab...
6  cards
Social Class Differences - Internal Factors - Self-fulfilling Prophecy
What is a self fulfilling prophecy,
What are the steps of a self fulf...,
What did rosenthal and jacobson s...
3  cards
Social Class Differences - Internal Factors - Setting&Streaming
What is streaming,
How does howardbeckers rheory lik...,
How does howard beckers theory li...
9  cards
Social Class Differences - Internal Factors - Pupil Subcultures
What is a pupil subculture,
What did lacey say about how pupi...,
What is differentiation lacey 1970
14  cards
Social Class Differences - Internal Factors - Pupils’ Class Identities&The School
What is habitus,
What is the link between habitus ...,
What is the link between habitus ...
24  cards
Ethnicity - External Factors - Cultural Deprivation
What is the definition of ethnic ...,
What does hastings say about educ...,
What aspects of cultural deprivat...
29  cards
Ethnicity - External Factors - Marterial Deprivation&Class
What does guy palmer say about et...,
What are ethnic minority workers ...,
What risk does material deprivati...
6  cards
Ethnicity - External Factors - Racism In Wider Society
What does mason say about poverty...,
What does rex say about racial di...,
How does poverty lead to racial d...
6  cards
Ethnicity - Internal Factors - Introduction (labelling, identites, responses)
What did gillborn and mirza find ...,
What did strand find about,
What does the lack of achievement...
3  cards
Ethnicity - Internal Factors - Labelling&Teacher Racism
What have interactionist sociolog...,
What may these negative labels le...,
What did gillborn and youdell say...
14  cards
Ethnicity - Internal Factors - Pupil Indentities
What did archer say about teacher...,
What is the ideal pupil identity,
What is the pathologised pupil id...
11  cards
Ethnicity - Internal Factors - Pupil Responses&Subcultures
How may pupils respond to teacher...,
Who did fuller study on pupils re...,
How did the pupils in fuller s st...
28  cards
Ethnicity - Internal Factors - Introduction (institutional racism)
What does troyna and williams arg...,
What is individual racism,
What is institutional racism
4  cards
Ethnicity - Internal Factors - Critical Race Theory
What is the critical race theory,
Who are carmichael and charles ha...,
What did carmichael and hamilton
6  cards
Ethnicity - Internal Factors - Marketisation&Segregation
What study can support gillborn s...,
What does moore and davenport s s...
9  cards
Ethnicity - Internal Factors - The Ethnocentric Curriculum
What does the term ethnocentric mean,
What is the ethnocentric curricul...,
What are examples in the curricul...
10  cards
Ethnicity - Internal Factors - Assessment
What does gillborn say about asse...,
What does gillborn say happens to...,
What is an example of black pupil...
6  cards
Ethnicity - Internal Factors - Access to Opportunites
What are two example of opportuni...,
What is the gifted and talented p...,
How does gillborn evaulate the gi...
6  cards
Ethnicity - Internal Factors - The 'New IQism'
What is new iqism,
How is the new iqism linked to se...,
What did gillborn and youdell say...
5  cards
Gender - External Factors + Gender Differences in Achievement - The Impact of Feminism
What is feminism,
What has the feminist movement ch...,
What has the feminist movement be...
7  cards
Gender - External Factors + Gender Differences in Achievement - Changes in the Family
What are examples of changes in t...,
How has the increase in lone pare...,
How has the increase in divorce r...
3  cards
Gender - External Factors + Gender Differences in Achievement - Changes in Women's Employment
What acts have been passed since ...,
What is the equal pay act 1970,
What is the sex discrimination ac...
9  cards
Gender - External Factors + Gender Differences in Achievement - Girls' Changing Ambitions
What has encouraged girls changin...,
How did sue sharpes study support...,
In sue sharpe s study what were g...
14  cards
Gender - External Factors + Gender Differences in Achievement - Class, Gender and Ambition
0  cards

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sociology - education

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