This class was created by Brainscape user Grace Frampton. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (22)

What is crime and deviance
What is a crime,
What is deviance,
What are examples of crimes in th...
11  cards
Social order and control
What is social order,
What is the functionlist persp,
What is the marxist perspective o...
6  cards
Measuring crime
What are the 3 main ways of measu...,
What are official crime statistics,
What are crime statistics used for
33  cards
Patterns and trends of crime
What does the typical victim appe...,
What are the patterns and trends ...,
What are the patterns and trends ...
7  cards
Global crime
What is a simple definition of gl...,
What is said about the supply and...,
What does aas say about globally ...
6  cards
Green crime
What are green crimes,
What does white say about green c...,
What does beck say about global r...
7  cards
Functionalist view on crime
What does durkheim say about his ...,
What is the evaluation of durkhei...,
What are durkheim s 4 functions o...
6  cards
Subcultural theories
What are subcultural theories,
What was cloward and ohlin s subc...,
What is acohen s subcultural theory
5  cards
Cultural criminology
What is cultural criminology,
What does katz say about cultural...,
What does lyng say about cultural...
6  cards
Interactionist view on crime
What is master status,
What is a self fulfilling prophency,
What does becker say about labelling
5  cards
Marxism view on crime and deviance
What did taylor walton and young ...,
What do marxist s think about ide...,
What does althusser study
9  cards
New right view on crime
What does murray believe,
What is murray and herrisnstein s...,
What are the evaluations against ...
3  cards
What is the basis of the realist ...,
What is the control theory
2  cards
Right realism's view on crime
What are right realist s basic ideas,
What is wilson s study on explain...,
What was wilson s second study
4  cards
Left realism's view on crime
What was lea and young s study,
What is relative deprivation,
What is marginalisation
7  cards
White collar crime
What is white collar crime,
What did sutherland say was the d...,
What did croalt say about the def...
13  cards
Gender explanations of crime : female
What is the chivalry thesis,
What do home office statistics sh...,
What does chesney lind say about ...
12  cards
Gender expectations of crime : male
What is the sex role theory for m...,
Why does hegemonic masculinity ca...,
What does messerschmidt say about...
6  cards
Explaining the relationship between ethnicity and crime
What reasons do lea and young giv...,
What was anderson s view on racis...,
What did the scarman report look at
12  cards
Explaining the relationship between ethnicity and crime pt2
What was nightingales study on th...,
How can racism create criminality...,
What did lea and young think of m...
9  cards
Left wing policy
What do left realists think is th...,
What is long term approach to cri...,
What is braithwaite s opinion on ...
12  cards
Right wing policy
What is clarkes view on crime pre...,
What is sitautaional crime preven...,
What is environmental crime preve...
5  cards

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sociology - crime and deviance

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