This class was created by Brainscape user Izzy Roe. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (59)

Key Perspectives
32  cards
P1 Education
What was the forster s education ...,
What was the fisher education act...,
What was the education and skills...
11  cards
P1 Education - Functionalists
What do functionalists believe is...,
What s one role of education acco...,
What does durkheim functionalism ...
8  cards
P1 Education - Marxists
What do marxists believe the role...,
What did louis althussur marxism ...,
How does louis althussur marxism ...
12  cards
P1 Education - New Right / Neoliberalists
What do the new right neo liberal...,
Who is the new right neo liberalists,
What do the new right believe abo...
12  cards
P1 Education - Social Reproduction/Democracy
What did pierre bourdieu see as t...,
What is economic capital,
What is social capital
11  cards
P1 Education - Feminists
What do feminists believe the rol...,
What do heaton and lawson believe...,
What were the views of liberal fe...
7  cards
P1 Education - Social Policy and Education 1970 - 1979
What was education like prior to ...,
What happened in 1870,
When was the fisher act and what ...
14  cards
P1 Education - Social Policy and Education 1979-2010
What was the conservative educati...,
What is the market force,
What was the new vocationalism
8  cards
P1 Education - Marketisation
What is marketisation,
What were the policies to promote...,
What did gerwitz believe about pa...
7  cards
P1 Education - Educational Policy 2010 Onwards
What was the coalition conservati...,
What views is the coalition party...,
Why were acadamies designed
14  cards
P1 Education - Globalisation and Education
What is theresa may s educational...,
How did theresa may view selectiv...,
What did theresa may say about gr...
12  cards
P1 Education - Measuring Class Attainment
What is stratification,
What are the two different classi...,
Why is it difficult to measure cl...
3  cards
P1 Education - Material Deprivation
What are external and internal fa...,
What are external factors,
What is material deprivation
12  cards
P1 Education - Cultural Deprivation
How does home background affect t...,
What did hyman 1967 say about cul...,
What did hyman see as the differe...
17  cards
P1 Education - Cultural Capital
What did bourdieu and passeron ar...,
Why are middle class children mor...,
What does pierre bourdieu argue a...
12  cards
P1 Education - In School Factors
What is the interactionism approa...,
What does becker 1971 say,
What is the ideal student accordi...
11  cards
P1 Education - Ethnicity and Educational Achievement
What was the percentage point dif...,
How has this percentage point dif...,
Which ethnic groups have the high...
8  cards
P1 Education - External Factors and Achievement (Ethnicity)
What are the external factors of ...,
What are the different examples o...,
How does lack of intellect and li...
17  cards
P1 Education - Internal Factors and Achievement (Ethnicity)
What do interactionists believe a...,
What do gillborn and youdell abou...,
What does peter foster say about ...
10  cards
P1 Education - Ethnicity and Schools
What does connolly say about teac...,
What does modood say about teache...,
What does tryona and williams argue
11  cards
P1 Education - Gender DEA
What does the ks2 table tell us a...,
What does the table regarding gcs...,
What does the a level table tell ...
5  cards
P1 Education - Internal vs External Factors
What are the external factors the...,
What does angela mcrobbie say abo...,
What major changes in families ar...
19  cards
P1 Education - Boys and Girls Achievement
What s girls achievement in educa...,
What is symbolic capital,
What does feminist louis archer a...
20  cards
P1 Education - Gendered Subjects
What are the traditional patterns...,
What are gender routes,
What is gender role socialisation
14  cards
P1 Education - Hidden Curriculum
What is the hidden curriculum,
What do functionalists believe ab...,
What do marxists believe about th...
16  cards
P1 Education - Male and Female
What does mac and ghaill argue,
What are macho lads,
What are academic achievers
18  cards
P1 Education - Labelling and the Self Fulfilling Prophecy
What is the self fulfilling prophecy,
How can the self fulfilling proph...,
What was the self fulfilling prop...
9  cards
P1 Education - The Organisation of Teaching and Learning
What is setting and grouping pupils,
Mixed ability,
13  cards
P1 Research Methods
Researching social life,
Gathering data,
Establishing correlations
19  cards
P1 Research Methods - PET
What does pet stand for,
Practical issues,
Ethical issues
4  cards
P1 Research Methods - Positivism + Interpretivism
What are the key ideas of positivism,
What are positivists methods,
What are strengths of positivist ...
10  cards
P1 Research Methods - Process of Research
What is a hypothesis,
What do interpretivists positivis...,
How to form a hypothesis in quant...
19  cards
P1 Research Methods - Sociology Experiments
What are experiments,
Why are experiments used more wid...,
What are experimental groups
19  cards
P1 Research Methods - Questionnaires
What are close ended questions,
What are the types of questionnaires,
What are practical advantages for...
18  cards
P1 Research Methods - Structured Interviews
What are interviews,
What are the different types of i...,
What are structured interviews
5  cards
P1 Research Methods - Unstructured Interviews
What is an unstructured interview,
Why do positivists favour structu...,
Why do interpretevists prefer uns...
13  cards
P1 Research Methods - Observations
What is participant observations,
What is non participant observations,
What is covert observations
23  cards
P1 Research Methods - Advantages and Disadvantages of Observations
What are advantages of covert obs...,
What are disadvantages of covert ...,
What are advantages
6  cards
P1 Research Methods - Documents
What are secondary sources of data,
What do sociologists use as secon...,
What are public documents
4  cards
P2 Families and Households - Marxism and the Family
What is the pre industrial society,
What is the post industrial society,
What do marxists believe about th...
10  cards
P2 Families and Households - Define Family
How are modern families becoming ...,
What does george murdock function...,
What is murdocks functionalist de...
7  cards
P2 Families and Households - Evolution of the Family
What does parsons functionalist s...,
What were pre industrialisation s...,
What are roles in the family base...
13  cards
P2 Families and Households - Functionalism and the Family
What do functionalists believe is...,
What do interpretevists believe a...,
What is parsons functional fit th...
8  cards
P2 Families and Households - Feminism and the Family
What do radical feminists believe,
What do liberal feminists believe,
What do marxist feminists believe
13  cards
P2 Families and Households - Personal Life Theory
What are the critiques of other t...,
What does,
What is the sociology of personal...
5  cards
P2 Families and Households - Postmodernism and the Family
What is modernity and the family,
What does giddens argue about mod...,
What does gidden argue about the ...
6  cards
P2 Families and Households - Housework and Childcare
What is segregated division of la...,
What does parson argue about segr...,
What does young and wilmott argue
16  cards
P2 Families and Households - Decision Making and Parenthood
What does bernades argue about de...,
What does hardill argue about the...,
What is argued about money manage...
15  cards
P2 Families and Households - Theoretical Explanations
What do functionalists believe,
What do liberal feminists believe,
What do marxist feminists believe
21  cards
P2 Families and Households - Domestic Violence
What is domestic violence,
What does sclater argue,
What is domestic violence like in...
19  cards
P2 Families and Households - Articles
What study did ann oakley do,
What had she discovered
2  cards
P2 Families and Households - Marriage
What is marriage,
What is cohabitation,
What have trends shown in graphs
9  cards
P2 Families and Households - Cohabitation
What is the stats on cohabitation,
What are reasons for cohabitation,
What do new right believe about c...
6  cards
P2 Families and Households - Divorce
What forms can marital breakdowns...,
What are the recent divorce law t...,
Why has divorce rates increased
16  cards
P2 Families and Households - Family Diversity
What are the stats of child bearing,
What impact might childbearing be...,
What is the cause of single paren...
24  cards
P2 Families and Households - Children as Social Construction
What were the roles of children i...,
What is social construction,
What does aries argue about child...
13  cards
P2 Families and Households - Future and Changing Positions of Childhood
What are the reasons for the deve...,
How has state policies affected c...,
What is the future of childhood
10  cards
P2 Families and Households - Theories of Childhood
What are the benefits of the digi...,
What are the problems of the digi...,
What is the conventional approach...
12  cards

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