This class was created by Brainscape user Krystal Tulachan. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (49)

Research Methods
What is the importance of researc...,
What are the two types of research,
What are the two types of data
20  cards
Norms And Values
What are norms,
What is an example of a norm,
What are values
4  cards
Nature Vs Nurture
What is nature,
What is nurture,
What is agents of socialisation
6  cards
What did the case studies on fera...,
What is primary socialisation,
What is secondary socialisation
19  cards
Roles Status And Culture
What does the word role mean,
What is a status,
What does achieved status mean
22  cards
Define identity,
What are the 7 different elements...,
What do positivists believe
24  cards
Social Class Identity
What is social class,
What are the 3 categories of class,
What is stratification
13  cards
Upper Class
Describe upper class,
What is mackintosh and moony s ob...,
What is social closure
10  cards
Middle Class
How does family reinforce middle ...,
How does education reinforce midd...,
How does peer groups reinforce th...
9  cards
Working Class
Which sociologist has concept of ...,
Which sociologist had the concept...,
Which sociologist had the concept...
14  cards
Define underclass,
What do the underclass face due t...,
What does murray claim about the ...
11  cards
Gender And Sexual Identity
Define sex,
Define gender,
Define hegemonic femininity
23  cards
Gender In The Media
What is one way the media may cre...,
What did billington argue,
What did the feminist nakuamura s...
7  cards
Gender In Education And The Workplace
What is one way education may cre...,
What did mitsos and browne suggest,
What are teachers more likely to ...
28  cards
New Gender Identities
What do postmodernists believe,
What are pronouns,
What are the new masculine identi...
15  cards
Sexual Identities
What do feminists suggest about s...,
What does weeks point out about s...,
What does plummer discuss about s...
6  cards
Ethnic Identities
What is race,
What is ethnicity,
Why is race an outdated concept
16  cards
Ethnicity In The Family
What did cashmore amd troyna find,
What is ethnic cultural resistance,
What is cultural hybriditity
9  cards
Ethnic Identities And Education
What is one way education may inf...,
What does coard argue,
What does gillborn argue
9  cards
New Ethnic Identities
What is another way in which peer...,
What did les bac find,
What did gill find
5  cards
National Identity
What is nationality,
What is socially constructed thro...,
What is a nation
14  cards
Age And Disabled Identity
What 2 ways can age be defined,
What do sociologists argue about age,
Define socially constructed
9  cards
Childhood And Youth Identity
How may family create and reinfor...,
What did parsons find,
How may the media create and rein...
17  cards
Middle Age
What is one way family may create...,
What did brannen find,
Define pivot generation
13  cards
Old Age
What is one way the family may cr...,
Define disengagement,
What did parsons find
18  cards
New Age And Disabled Identities
What do postmodernists believe ab...,
What do featherstone and hepworth...,
Define de differentiation
19  cards
Representations Of Nationalty And Ethnicity In The Media
Define representation,
Define construction,
Define context
14  cards
Representation Of Ethnicity
What did van dijk argue,
What did hall argue,
What did barker argue
11  cards
Changing Representations Of Ethnicity
What did malik argue,
What did barker argue,
What did hall argue
10  cards
Traditional Representations Of Gender
What does tunstall argue,
What is a media example for tunstall,
What did tuchman argue
15  cards
Changing Representations Of Gender
What does gill argue,
What are the 3 ways gill found fe...,
What is a media example for gill
12  cards
Changing Representations Of Femininity And Masculinity
What did gauntlett argue,
What is a media example for gaunt...,
Who else discussed the shift from...
14  cards
Traditional Representations Of Class
What did nairn argue,
What is a media example for nairn,
What did leech argue
16  cards
Changing Representations Of Class
What does nairn argue about the u...,
What is a media example for nairn,
What did reiner argue about the u...
12  cards
Traditional Represenations Of Age
What did heintz knowles argue abo...,
What is a media example for heint...,
What did griffin argue about youth
15  cards
Changing Representations Of Age
What did heintz knowles argue,
What is a media example for heint...,
12  cards
Marxism And Neomarxism
What did karl marx find,
What are the ruling class,
What are the working class
28  cards
What do pluralists believe,
What do pluralists believe about ...,
What do pluralists believe about ...
17  cards
What did mulvey say,
What is a media example for mulvey,
What did wolf say
8  cards
What is the concept of postmodernism,
What does postmodernism sociologi...,
What did mcluhan say
8  cards
Direct Effects Of The Media
What is the hypodermic syringe mo...,
What is a media example for hypod...,
What did newson say
12  cards
Indirect Effects Of The Media
What is the 2 step flow model kat...,
What is a media example for the t...,
What is the cultural effects mode...
6  cards
Active Audiences
What is the uses and gratificatio...,
What did zillmann say support use...,
What is a media example for zillman
9  cards
Role Of The Media In Deviancy Amplification And Moral Panics
What did wilkins say,
What is a media example for wilkins,
What did cohen say
14  cards
Research Method Concepts
Define qualitative data,
Define quantitative data,
Define primary data
9  cards
Hypothesis Making And Operationalising
What are the steps of the researc...,
What do you need to consider in a...,
What are the factors influencing ...
6  cards
Why do sociologists need to sample,
Define gatekeeper,
Which groups of people are harder...
34  cards
Theoretical Implications Of Research
What do positivists believe,
What do interpretivists believe,
Define objective value freedom
22  cards
Practical And Ethical Implications Of Research
What may sociologists face practi...,
How does time affect research,
How does cost affect research
18  cards

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