social- psychology

This class was created by Brainscape user Bethan Price. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

Agency theory
What is obedience,
What is the autonomous state,
What is agentic state
5  cards
Social Impact Theory
What is social impact theory,
What is the equation to show impa...,
What does strength refer to
6  cards
Milgram's baseline study
What was the aim of milgram s bas...,
How many ppts were in milgram s b...,
How much were the ppts offered fo...
12  cards
Experiment 10: Rundown office block study
Where did they do experiment 10 r...,
How many ppts were obedient in ex...
2  cards
Experiment 7: Telephonic instructions
What differed in experiment 7,
How many ppts were fully obedient...,
In the results what differed than...
3  cards
Experiement 13: Ordinary man gives orders
What happens in experiement 13 or...,
How many people refused to obey t...
2  cards
Factors affecting obedience and dissent: Individual differences
What is dissent,
What is resistance,
What is personality
12  cards
Factors affecting obedience and dissent: Situation and culture
What is situation,
How does reducing legitimacy redu...,
How does proximity increase decre...
11  cards
Social Identity theory
What is social identity theory,
What is social categorisation,
What is social identification
6  cards
Realistic conflict theory
What is rct,
What is intergroup conflict,
When does negative interdependenc...
7  cards
Factors affecting prejudice (and discrimination): Individual differences
What is discrimination,
What is scapegoating,
Why do people with authoritarian ...
10  cards
Factors affecting prejudice (and discrimination): Situation and Culture
What are social norms,
What did minard find,
Does competition for limited reso...
5  cards
Sherif et al
What is the aim of sheif et al study,
What type of experiment is sheif ...,
What is the independent variable ...
16  cards
What is the aim of burger s study,
What was the sample in burger s s...,
What did burger do to stop high l...
8  cards

More about
social- psychology

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