social influence

This class was created by Brainscape user Ollie Giles. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (11)

Types of Comformity
What are the three types of confo...,
What are the features of compliance,
Does compliance lead to a change ...
8  cards
Explanations of Conformity (WHY people conform)
What is normative social influence,
What types of conformity are asso...,
What is informational social infl...
6  cards
Research into Conformity- Asch's line study
Procedure of the line study,
Results of the line study,
What were the three variations in...
10  cards
Research into conformity to social roles- Zimbardo
Stanford prison experiment procedure,
Stanford prison experiment findings,
What key unexpected things happen...
8  cards
Research into obedience- Milgram
Baseline study procedure,
What was the voice feedback study...,
Baseline study findings
7  cards
Variations of Milgram's study
How did milgram change his study ...,
Ao3 proximity nazis,
How did milgram change his study ...
6  cards
Explanations of Obedience - Agentic state and Legitimacy of authority
What is the agentic state,
Why do people go through an agent...,
What keeps people in an agentic s...
9  cards
Dispositional explanation of obedience - authoritarian personality
Adorno s research,
What are the characteristics of a...,
What was the procedure of elms an...
9  cards
Resistance to Social Influence
Social support resisting conformity,
Social support resisting obedience,
Ao3 social support for resisting ...
8  cards
Minority Influence
What is minority influence,
What are the three conditions for...,
What is consistency
13  cards
Social Change
0  cards

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social influence

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