soc 1501 community society and inequality

This class was created by Brainscape user Christopher Du Rand. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

Chapter 1: Introduction To Sociology
Define sociology,
Who is the founding figure of soc...,
What does canonical mean
14  cards
Study Unit 2: Origins Of The Sociological Canon
What is the enlightenment,
What is secularization,
What is meant by rationalisation
4  cards
Study unit 3:
0  cards
Study unit 4: growth of sociological perspectives
What are the four components make...
1  cards
Study Unit 6: Understanding the concept of culture
Discuss the concept of culture,
Provide possible definitions of c...,
State what biologically programme...
11  cards
Study unit 7: Socialisation
Define socialisation,
What is the importance of sociali...,
Explain agencies of socialisation
8  cards
Study unit 8: Culture as a process
Define social change,
What two intertwined forces that ...,
What can modernization refer to
6  cards
STUDY UNIT 9:Industrial capitalism and social change
Define social change,
What choices do sociologists use ...,
Distinguish between methodologica...
13  cards
STUDY UNIT 10: Imperialism, colonialism and globalisation
What is meant by colonialism,
Comment on imperialism,
Explain dependancy amongst tradin...
6  cards
STUDY UNIT 11:The concept of stratification and the various kinds of stratification
State the relationship between in...,
Provide different types of strati...,
Discuss slavery
6  cards
Discuss marx s theory of stratifi...,
What is commodification of labour,
Comment on idea of alienation
6  cards
STUDY UNIT 13: Class structure
Define social mobility,
What types of social mobility are...,
What kinds of mobility are there
3  cards
STUDY UNITY 14: Ethnicity, race and social identities
Comment on racialisation,
Explain the concept of race,
What is an ethnic group
7  cards
STUDY UNIT 15: Prejudice, discrimination, racism, stereotypes, displacement, and scapegoating
Explain what prejudice is,
Discuss discrimination,
What makes a person racist
8  cards
STUDY UNIT 16: Understanding the sociology of population, population growth and population processes
Define social demography,
What are the 3 population processes,
What factors affect longevity
12  cards
STUDY UNIT 17: Theories of population and development
Define and discuss meaning of theory,
How has population been viewed in...,
What important concepts did malth...
10  cards
STUDY UNIT 18 :Understanding population policies and programmes
What is a population policy,
What influences are there to poli...,
What does a population policy inc...
11  cards

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soc 1501 community society and inequality

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