smith la medicine

This class was created by Brainscape user Andrea Frei. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

Ch 32
H where on rectal palpation would...,
What are the 7 locations of focus...,
Roughly where should the stomach ...
116  cards
Ch 30 Cardio
Can a qrs complex character in la...,
Why is peak blood flow in large a...,
What is the sedative of choice fo...
55  cards
Ch 3
1  cards
Smith 19
0  cards
Smith 16
How long should it take a normal ...,
How long should it take a suckle ...,
What bodyweight do newborn foals ...
47  cards
Ch 41 Equine & Ruminant Endocrine
Current flashcards include those ...,
What is the functional purpose of...,
What is the functional purpose of...
4  cards
Ch 46 -47 Biosecurity
What are the four principal goals...,
How are the above 4 goals achieve...,
Which common disinfectants are ac...
52  cards
Ch 48 Biologics in Infectious Disease Prevention
When killed vaccines are administ...,
What is the optimal timing sequen...,
What are the five goals of broodm...
51  cards
Ch 54 Toxins
What are the toxic principles cli...,
What are the toxic principles cli...,
What are the toxic principles cli...
39  cards
Ch 33 Hepatobililary
Where does most cell regeneration...,
At what point post product admini...,
Which clotting factors are produc...
44  cards
Ch 37 Hematopoietic and hemolymphatics
What are the signs of rbc regener...,
How would you diagnose hemoperito...,
Which component of platelets enab...
43  cards
Ch 45 Antimicrobial Therapy
What are four commonly encountere...,
What are 5 commonly encountered g...,
What are commonly encountered gra...
8  cards

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smith la medicine

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Learn faster with Brainscape on your web, iPhone, or Android device. Study Andrea Frei's Smith LA Medicine flashcards for their Oregon State University class now!

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Brainscape is a digital flashcards platform where you can find, create, share, and study any subject on the planet.

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