sl22108 - special patient groups and surgery - pharmacokinetics

This class was created by Brainscape user Katie Gwyther. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

Lecture 1 - Physiological Implications in PK and Dose adjustments - Renal Disease
Name the 4 key functions of the k...,
Name the common causes of kidney ...,
Name the 2 types of renal impairment
4  cards
Lecture 2 - Parenteral Nutrition
What do iv fluids contain,
What does enteral nutrition contain,
What are the risks of increasing ...
15  cards
Lecture 1 - Surgery and Long-term Conditions
Define emergency,
Define elective,
Examples of emergency surgery
30  cards
Lecture 2 - Pre and post-operative management
Define ectomy and give examples,
Define otomy and give examples,
Define scopy scopic and give exam...
15  cards
Lecture 3 - Assessing Renal Function in AKI
Name the functions of the kidney,
Define creatinine,
Name the 3 algorithms to measure ...
11  cards
Lecture 4 - Critical Care and the Role of the Pharmacist
Name the 4 different names for cr...,
Define level 1,
37  cards
Lecture 5 - Anaesthetics
Define anaesthesia,
What the non drug methods of anae...,
What are the drug methods of anae...
23  cards
Lecture 6 - Scans and Radiology
What are the risks of iodinated c...,
What are the advantages of mris,
What are the disadvantages of mris
7  cards
Lecture 7 - Neuromuscular Blocking Agents
Describe ach release at the nmj,
Describe ach involvement at the n...,
Name the 2 typos of neuromuscular...
20  cards
Lecture 10 - Safeguarding
Define safeguarding,
In safeguarding what age does chi...,
Define vulnerable adult
19  cards
Lecture 11 - Prescribing in Pregnancy
What is a child bearing age,
What questions should be asked wh...,
Explain the 3 trimesters of pregn...
10  cards
Lecture 13 - Chronic Kidney Disease
How is absorption affected in ckd,
How is distribution affected in ckd
27  cards
Lecture 9 - Prescribing in breastfeeding
Name the advantages of breastfeed...,
Name the advantages of breastfeed...,
3  cards

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sl22108 - special patient groups and surgery - pharmacokinetics

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