This class was created by Brainscape user Olivia Harris. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

P1 River Landscapes
How does the long profile of the ...,
What landforms are often in the u...,
What landforms are often in the m...
63  cards
P1 Glacial Landscapes
How long does a quaternary period...,
What are the two types of periods,
How long ago was the last ice age
53  cards
P2 UK Food,Water,Energy
What is the significance of food ...,
Why is energy important for socia...,
Why is water good for social and ...
34  cards
P1 The Challenge Of Natural Hazards
Defenition of a natural hazard,
4 examples of tectonic hazards,
2 types of geomorphological hazards
51  cards
P2 Global Food
Impacts of food insecurity,
Definition of surplus,
Area of deficit
44  cards
P1 Typhoon Haiyan
What of houses were destroyed fro...,
Hoe many people were made homeles...,
How many people died in tropical ...
8  cards
P1 ecosystems
What is the definition of a small...,
What are the components of an eco...,
What are the two types of compone...
26  cards
P1 tropical rainforests
Where are tropical rainforests found,
What are the physical characteris...,
How is climate a physical charact...
43  cards
P2 Lagos
What is lagos like,
Why is lagos regionally important,
Why is lagos nationally important
31  cards
P3 fieldwork
What is primary data,
What is secondary data,
Examples of primary data
13  cards
P2 Changing Economic World
Describe an lic,
Describe nees,
Describe an hic
102  cards
P2 changing UK economy
Describe the changes to each sect...,
What are the3 main causes for eco...,
What is deindustrialisation
46  cards

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shitty geography

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