seumaidh's 1500 nouns in scottish gaelic

This class was created by Brainscape user james mack. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

Nouns that begin with A
This is the first in a series of decks loosely based on an English Language word frequency list, translated into Scottish Gaelic. These words should be particularly useful for those who are aiming at a 'Refold' style learning technique.
91  cards
Nouns that begin with B
This is the second in a series of decks loosely based on an English Language word frequency list, translated into Scottish Gaelic. These words should be particularly useful for those who are aiming at a 'Refold' style learning technique.
113  cards
Nouns that begin with C (part 1)
This is the third in a series of decks loosely based on an English Language word frequency list, translated into Scottish Gaelic. These words should be particularly useful for those who are aiming at a 'Refold' style learning technique.
106  cards
Nouns that begin with C (part 2)
This is the fourth in a series of decks loosely based on an English Language word frequency list, translated into Scottish Gaelic. These words should be particularly useful for those who are aiming at a 'Refold' style learning technique.
105  cards
Nouns that begin with D
This is the fifth in a series of decks loosely based on an English Language word frequency list, translated into Scottish Gaelic. These words should be particularly useful for those who are aiming at a 'Refold' style learning technique.
82  cards
Nouns that begin with E or I
This is the sixth in a series of decks loosely based on an English Language word frequency list, translated into Scottish Gaelic. These words should be particularly useful for those who are aiming at a 'Refold' style learning technique.
88  cards
Nouns that begin with F
This is the seventh in a series of decks loosely based on an English Language word frequency list, translated into Scottish Gaelic. These words should be particularly useful for those who are aiming at a 'Refold' style learning technique.
88  cards
Nouns that begin with G or L
This is the eighth in a series of decks loosely based on an English Language word frequency list, translated into Scottish Gaelic. These words should be particularly useful for those who are aiming at a 'Refold' style learning technique.
129  cards
Nouns that begin with M or N
This is the ninth in a series of decks loosely based on an English Language word frequency list, translated into Scottish Gaelic. These words should be particularly useful for those who are aiming at a 'Refold' style learning technique.
100  cards
Nouns that begin with O or U
This is the tenth in a series of decks loosely based on an English Language word frequency list, translated into Scottish Gaelic. These words should be particularly useful for those who are aiming at a 'Refold' style learning technique.
52  cards
Nouns that begin with P
This is the eleventh in a series of decks loosely based on an English Language word frequency list, translated into Scottish Gaelic. These words should be particularly useful for those who are aiming at a 'Refold' style learning technique.
71  cards
Nouns that begin with R
This is the twelfth in a series of decks loosely based on an English Language word frequency list, translated into Scottish Gaelic. These words should be particularly useful for those who are aiming at a 'Refold' style learning technique.
58  cards
Nouns that begin with S (part 1)
This is the thirteenth in a series of decks loosely based on an English Language word frequency list, translated into Scottish Gaelic. These words should be particularly useful for those who are aiming at a 'Refold' style learning technique.
88  cards
Nouns that begin with S (part 2)
Towel masc,
Task labour fem,
Check financial masc
93  cards
Nouns that begin with T (part 1)
Event happening masc,
Giver masc,
Contribution masc
64  cards
Nouns that begin with T (part 2)
Arriving coming act of fem,
Lord masc,
Returning act of masc
62  cards

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seumaidh's 1500 nouns in scottish gaelic

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