serena's anatomy

This class was created by Brainscape user Serena Mcnamara. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (22)

General Terminology
What are methods of studying anatomy,
What is it important to remember ...,
What does bi mean
29  cards
Swallowing, Phonation and Articulation
What is swallowing called technic...,
What is swallowing deglutition,
Is swallowing voluntary or involu...
13  cards
General Terminology Practise Quiz
1 what does the transverse plane ...,
2 what does the term manus refer ...,
3 the term brachial refers to the...
10  cards
Respiratory Anatomy Practise Quiz
1 the thoracic cavity is divided ...,
2 the serous membrane on the surf...,
3 the lower respiratory tract ext...
14  cards
Larynx Practise Quiz
1 if the epiglottis does not func...,
2 the lower end of the larynx is ...,
3 the loudness of a person s voic...
11  cards
Face, Mouth, TMJ Practise Quiz
1 which of the following is a mus...,
2 which nerve innervates the musc...,
3 which of these muscles insert i...
10  cards
The oral part of the pharynx comm...,
The lowermost portion of the phar...,
3 the posterior surface of the na...
14  cards
Phonation, Swallowing and Articulation Practise Quiz
0  cards
Face Lecture
Purpose of face,
What is the face a framework for ...,
Purpose of muscles on face
40  cards
Respiratory Lecture
Functions of thorax,
Functions respiratory system,
Trunk cavities
3  cards
Which nerve supplies the larynx,
Where does blood supply for laryn...
2  cards
Phonation and Swallowing Quiz
In swallowing the bolus is moved ...,
In phonation glottal attack refer...,
Which muscle is involved in susta...
10  cards
Week 10 Cranial Nerves
Which nerve arises from the olfac...,
Which nerve functions soley by ca...,
Cranial nerve iii oculomotor func...
36  cards
Week 9 Nervous System
The forebrain consists of a corte...,
Pituitary gland is associated wit...,
The mamillary bodies are located ...
30  cards
Week 11 Development of Head
Neural development begins with ra...,
The lumen of the embryonic neural...,
Pharyngeal mucosa is innervated b...
19  cards
Week 12 Ear
How many turns does the cochlea h...,
Which structure is attached to th...,
A patient with a facial nerve par...
25  cards
Kahoot - Brain
The neuronal cell extension that ...,
Neurones and dendrites form the c...,
The somatic nervous system innerv...
10  cards
Kahoot - Cranial Nerves
What does cranial nerve iii do eq...,
What cranial nerve is responsible...,
Which nerve supplies general sens...
10  cards
Kahoot - Development of Head and Neck
The posterior end of the neural t...,
What is the embryological origin ...,
Which of the following muscles ar...
10  cards
Kahoot - Ear
The ear is located in which part ...,
The ear ossicles are called malle...,
The organ of hearing is the semic...
10  cards
VIVA W9-12 Practise questions
What are the parts of the periphe...,
What are the parts of the hindbrain,
Where are the occipital bones
25  cards
VIVA Questions W9-12
0  cards

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serena's anatomy

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