semester 4 - m&i

This class was created by Brainscape user Nisaa Hussein. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (29)

L1 - Bacterial pathogens and disease 1 (Exotoxins)
What is a pathogen,
What is pathogenicity,
What is virulence
15  cards
L2 - Bacterial pathogens and disease 2 (Endotoxins)
What is an endotoxin,
What are some characteristics of ...,
What is sepsis
4  cards
L3 - Viral Pathogens 1
What are the different types of v...,
What are the different structures...,
How do viruses use central dogma
15  cards
L4 - Viral Pathogens 2
Describe the typical course of hi...,
Why is immunodeficiency advantage...,
How might hiv kill permissive and...
6  cards
L5 - Parasitology
What is a parasite,
What are the 3 main classes of pa...,
What are protozoa
14  cards
L6 - Pathogenesis of Parasitic Infections
How can parasitic infections cont...
1  cards
L7 - Mechanism of Viral Infection and Pathogenesis
What is acute viral infection and...,
What are some acute viral infections,
What is latent reactivating infec...
19  cards
L8 - Diagnosis of Viral Infections
How can electron microscopy can b...,
What are the limitations of using...,
Describe how viral cells can be i...
12  cards
L9 - Mechanism of Antivirals
Why do we need anti viral drugs,
Describe the current uses of anti...,
What are the principles of anti v...
20  cards
L10 - Molecular and Genomic Epidemiology of Infections
What is meant by a single weighti...,
What is meant by a additive weigh...,
What is spoligotyping
18  cards
L11 - Antibiotics
What are antibiotics,
Describe selective toxicity as a ...,
Describe therapeutic margin as a ...
18  cards
L12 - Antibiotic Resistance
Why is antibiotic resistance a gl...,
State the different mechanisms of...,
What are some genetic mechanisms ...
5  cards
L13 - Review of the Innate Immune System
Why do we need an innate immune s...,
What is the innate immune system,
Describe the differences in speci...
24  cards
L14 - Overview of the Adaptive Immune System
Why do we need an adaptive immune...
1  cards
L15 - T-cells: Generation of Receptor Repertoire Diversity
Describe the stages of t lymphocy...,
What are the key factors that det...,
Describe the different anatomic s...
47  cards
L16 - T-Cell Development: Receptor Repertoire Selection & CD4/CD8 Lineage Commitment
How do t cells migrate from the b...,
What parts of the thymus so thymo...,
What does cd in cd4 8 3 stand for
17  cards
L17 - T-Cell Activation & Generation of Effector T-cells
Describe naive t cell recirculati...,
State some apcs that activate t c...,
What 3 signals are needed for t c...
23  cards
L18 - Humoral Immunity: Antibodies & Life Cycle of B-Cells
Describe the structure of the ant...,
What are the two versions of anti...,
How are the heavy and the light c...
39  cards
L19 - Antibacterial Responses
Describe some mechanical innate i...,
Describe some chemical innate imm...,
Describe some microbiological inn...
17  cards
L20 - Microbial Immune Evasion Mechanism
What is the purpose of virulence ...,
What aspect of immunity have path...,
How does bacteria stop complement
14  cards
L21 - Natural Born Killers: NK Cells & CD8+ T-Cells
Where do nk cells originate form,
What are the role of cytotoxic ly...,
Why do we need more than one type...
20  cards
L22 - Hypersensitivity Reactions: Asthma & Allergy
0  cards
L23 - Transplantation & Immunosuppressive Drugs
What is a transplantation,
What is meant by an autologous do...,
What is meant by an syngenic dono...
19  cards
L24 - Autoimmunity
What is meant by immune tolerance,
Describe central tolerance,
Describe peripheral tolerance
16  cards
L25 - Immunodeficiencies
What is an immunodeficiency,
What are primary congenital immun...,
What are secondary immunodeficien...
16  cards
L26 - Anti-tumour Immunity & Immunotherapy for Cancer
How are cancer cells different to...,
What is tumour immunosurveillance,
Describe interferon as a cytokine...
16  cards
L27 - Scientific Basis of Vaccines
Define vaccine,
What is herd immunity,
What are the general principles o...
15  cards
L28 - Vaccines: Bacterial and Viral
When is rotavirus vaccine given,
When is mmr live attenuated vacci...,
What does the 4 in 1 pre school b...
13  cards
L29 - Immunology in the Clinic and Research Lab
What is the fab and fc region of ...,
What is a hybridoma,
What are immunosassays
10  cards

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semester 4 - m&i

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