This class was created by Brainscape user Tia Brown. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

Diseases of skin and coat
The role of vns in dermatology cases,
What is a pyoderma signs and causes,
Different types of pyoderma
12  cards
Types of wounds,
What are the different wound clas...,
What are the stages of wound healing
11  cards
Haematopoietic System Disease
What is the haematopoietic system,
What is haemopoiesis,
What is anaemia
19  cards
Sensory Disorders - Eyes
Functions of the eye,
Types of eyelid conditions signs ...,
Lacerations to eyelidcauses signs...
16  cards
Musculoskeletal Disorders
Risk factors for malnutrition,
Diet requirements for growing ani...,
Common elbow disorder why signs
18  cards
Respiratory Disorders
Difference between upper and lowe...,
What initial assessments should y...,
What initial diagnostic approache...
19  cards
Circulatory System Disease
What are the grades of heart murmurs,
Congenital vs acquired heart disease,
Patent ductus arterosiswhat is it...
21  cards
Urinary System Disorders
Types of diagnostic tests for uri...,
What is cystitis causes signs and...,
What is urolithiasis causes signs...
7  cards
Neurological Disorders
What are meningitis and encephali...,
Clinical sigs of a brain injury d...,
Epilepsy and seizures
9  cards
Endocrine System Disorders
What is hyperthyroidism signs dia...,
What is hypothyroidism signs diag...,
What are the different types of h...
8  cards
Alimentary Tract Diseases
Regurgitation vs vomiting,
Causes tests and treatment for re...,
Causes tests and treatment for vo...
11  cards
Fluid Therapy
What are the types of body fluid,
Why provide fluid therapy,
What does the body use fluid wate...
18  cards
Management of Neonates
1  cards

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sem 2: patient care ii

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