section 1: the affluent society britain 1951-64

This class was created by Brainscape user Eva Haylett. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

post war consensus and 1951 election
Which parties supported a post wa...,
What were the four key elements o...,
When was the nhs founded
9  cards
Churchill as PM
When was churchill pm for the sec...,
What were his leadership qualitie...,
What were his policies decisions ...
5  cards
Eden as PM
When was eden pm,
What were his leadership qualitie...,
Results of 1955 election
6  cards
Macmillan as PM
When was macmillan pm,
What were his leadership policies...,
When did macmillan call a general...
8  cards
divisions within the labour party
Who was nye bevan,
Who was hugh gaitskell,
What was the view of the labour l...
8  cards
Macmillan's 'never had it so good' - how true was it?
Wages evidence to support quote,
Wages evidence to go against quote,
Housing evidence to support quote
10  cards
Conservative's fall from power
1st reason pm after macmillan,
2nd reason ab,
3rd reason
7  cards
economic developments and economic issues - see separate class
0  cards
class and the establishment
What s deference,
Explain the characteristics of br...,
What events caused a loss of defe...
10  cards
role of women in 1950s
What were women seen as primarily...,
What percentage of women were mar...,
Ways in which the experience for ...
4  cards
teenage subcultures
What factors led to the emergence...,
Who were the teddy boys,
Who were the mods
7  cards
immigration and race
What is new commonwealth,
What is old commonwealth,
What was the law regarding immigr...
16  cards
When and where did macmillan make...,
What policy regarding decolonisat...,
Why did wilson support this chang...
6  cards
Britain's relationships with US and Russia - key events
What did churchill call britian s...,
What made britian and us good allies,
What factors limited the alliance
11  cards
foreign events
When was the korean war,
What were the causes of the korea...,
What were the events of the korea...
10  cards
european relations and EEC attempt
When what was the schumann plan,
What were the six and the treaty ...,
Britain s initial response to eec
8  cards

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section 1: the affluent society britain 1951-64

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