second year a level biology

This class was created by Brainscape user Sim <3 floaties. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (41)

Respiration: Step 1
Where does glycolosis happen,
Does this happen in what kind of ...,
What are the 3 steps of glycolosis
8  cards
Respiration: Step 2/3- link reaction and krebs cycle
Where does this take place,
What happens first,
What happens in link reaction
9  cards
Respiration: electron transfer chain
In total from the previous stages...,
What happens in the mitochondrial...,
What happens in the inner membran...
6  cards
Respiration: anaerobic respiration
When does this occur,
What happens in anaerobic respira...,
What happens in animal cells
5  cards
Respiration: lipids and proteins
How do lipids act as a respirtary...,
How does amino acids act as a res...
2  cards
Where does light dependant reacti...,
What is produced in the light dep...,
What is the photoionisation of ch...
8  cards
light independant reactions
Where does this take place,
What does this use,
What happens first
7  cards
limiting factors
What can these be,
What do agricultural practices do,
What are the profit ascpect
4  cards
What are producers,
What happens between each trophic...,
What 2 ways can biomass be measured
22  cards
How can farmers increase their yi...,
What is intensive rearing,
What is factory farming
5  cards
What is calorimetry do,
What equipment is used,
4  cards
Phosphorous cycle
What is phosphorous used for,
What is,
What are mycorhizae
8  cards
Nitrogen cycle:
What are mycoorhizae,
Whwre is notrigen found,
What are the stages
9  cards
phosphoroys cycle
What is phosphorous needed for,
What is dirst step,
What is rhe second step
8  cards
Why are fertilsiers used,
What are the 2 types,
What are natural fertilisers
7  cards
taxis and kenesis
What is a stimulus,
What are taxis and kenesis,
What is a taxes
6  cards
What is tropism,
What kind of factors,
Where is iaa found
8  cards
Nervous communication
What is localisation,
Why are electrical imoulses fast,
What is the relay nueron
13  cards
resting potential
What is the structure of the myli...,
What does the cell body do,
What do dendrites do
9  cards
Action potential
When is an active potential happens,
What does a stimulus do,
What does depolorisatio happen
11  cards
Factors that affect the speed of an action potential
What 3 factors are these,
How does mylenination and salator...,
How does axon diameter affect spe...
5  cards
What are synpases,
How do synapses work,
What happens with a cholingenic s...
5  cards
What is summation,
What is temporal summation,
What is spatial summation
4  cards
Inhibtory synpae
What does this do,
2  cards
Structure & function of skeletal MUSCLES:
What are myofibrils made from,
What are muscle fibres made from,
What are myosin
17  cards
slow twitch fibres and fast twitch fibres
What are the srycture of slow twi...,
What is the location of slow twit...,
What is the general properties
9  cards
Pacinian Corpuscle - Pressure receptor
What does the pns include,
What does pacinian corpsule react to,
What does the pacininain coruspul...
7  cards
Initiation and Coordination of the Action of the Hear
What is the san and where is it f...,
How is the heart myogenic,
Why can the electrical impulse no...
10  cards
rods and cones
What are the stimulus in relation...,
Whwre do we find these light rece...,
What are the 2 types of light rec...
14  cards
what affects heart rate
What does the heart respond to an...,
What is the rew,
What is the response to ph
4  cards
genetics definitions
What is a gene,
What is an allele,
What is a locus
18  cards
monohybrid cross and dihybrid codominance
What is monohybrid,
What are the gametes,
What is dihybrid
8  cards
What is epistatis,
2  cards
automsal linkage
What is crossing over in meiosis,
What is autosomal linkage,
3  cards
genetics questions
Q2 a mutation is one cause of gen...,
B give one piece of evidence from...,
C explain one piece of evidence f...
9  cards
control of blood glucose
What is negative feedback,
When does blood glucose concentra...,
What detects changes in blood glu...
18  cards
hardy weinburg
What is it used for,
What is a gene pool,
What is a population
12  cards
Stucture and function of the nephron
What is the function of the nephron,
What does urine contain,
What does urine not contain
14  cards
What is the word to describe if t...,
What is blood with a too high wat...,
How does blood with a too low wat...
11  cards
What causes selectional pressures,
Why is there a wide range of vari...,
What is disruptive speciation
5  cards
What is sucession,
What does primary sucession start...,
What happens because of this humus
9  cards

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second year a level biology

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