This class was created by Brainscape user Nathan Ross. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

Intro To Pharmacology
What do agonists do,
What is an adrenergic agonist,
Cholinergic agonist
9  cards
Dry Eye
Properties of the tear film,
Dry eye definition,
Risk factors
57  cards
Allergic Conjunctivitis
Different types of hypersensitivi...,
Signs symptoms of allergic reaction,
Subtypes of ocular allergy
33  cards
Antiinflammatory Drugs
Different types of anti inflammat...,
What are sympathomimetics,
Which patients can use these drug...
17  cards
Managment Of Inflammatory Eye Disease
Entry level management of episcle...,
Different types of scleritis,
Entry level management of scleritis
22  cards
Managemnt Of Ocular Infection
Action of aminoglycosides,
Medicinal forms,
Side effects of gentamicin
40  cards
Adverse Drug Reaction
What is benzalkonium chloride,
Bak management,
Tetracycline adrs
8  cards
SIGN Glaucoma
Components of a glaucoma referral,
When to refer based on iop results,
When to refer based on anterior c...
12  cards
Medical Management Of Glaucoma
How to treat glaucoma,
What treatment options are avaliable,
What are the 6 classes of topical...
26  cards
Refractive Surgery
Different forms of refractive sur...,
What to mention wen discussing re...,
Different forms of laser surgery
25  cards
Paediatric Pathology
Most common childhood anterior ey...,
Which antihistamines can be presc...,
In babies what 2 types of infecti...
22  cards
Acute Antrior Eye Presentations
Treatment of chemical injuries,
Signs indicating urgent referral ...,
Management of mild cases of trauma
17  cards
Acute Posterior Eye Presentations
Central retinal artery occlusion ...,
Crao management,
Brao signs symptoms
13  cards
Cataract pathenogenesis,
Cataract risk factors,
Types of cataract
12  cards
Diabetic Eye Disease
Types of diabetes,
Impacts of diabetes on anterior c...,
Impact on posterior segment
19  cards
Amd risk factors,
Features of dry amd,
Nice amd classification
14  cards
Potential errors with van hericks,
Normal angle structure,
2 methods of gonioscopy
14  cards

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