science 7th

This class was created by Brainscape user Miss Corrie Miller. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (18)

Order and Design Q1
Organism of a single cell that pe...,
The study of living things,
The place where an organism lives
8  cards
Order and Design Q2
Facts about nature,
Experiment conditions that are th...,
The first part of an organism s s...
11  cards
Order and Design Test 1
The study of body structure,
The term fauna describes,
A distinct type of living thing
39  cards
Order and Design Q3
From which part of a flower does ...,
Who recognized that flowers are o...,
What part of a flower produces po...
12  cards
Order and Design Q4
Family that has flower heads made...,
Plant that resembles goldenrod an...,
Family that has trumpet shaped fl...
10  cards
Order and Design Q5
The stalk that attaches the leaf ...,
The edge of a leaf,
The margin of a leaf that has eit...
13  cards
Order and Design Q6
A plant with a long thin stem tha...,
Plant reproduction that does not ...,
Provides protection for the root tip
10  cards
Order and Design Test 2
The part of the flower from which...,
Underground structure made of thi...,
A leaf that has more than one bla...
51  cards
Order and Design Q7
Organ that contains alveoli,
Thin membrane of the lungs,
The upper chambers of the heart
10  cards
Order and Design Q8 and Q9
Term that refers to any ability o...,
Wastes are removed from the body ...,
The organ in which lymphocytes ma...
20  cards
Order and Design Q10
The endocrine gland that serves a...,
Chemical messengers secreted by t...,
The part of the brain that connec...
10  cards
Order and Design Test 3
Chapters 1-3
71  cards
Order and Design Q12
Commonly abused stimulant found i...,
Most commonly abused depressant,
Extremely addictive opioid that i...
10  cards
Order and Design Test 4
Group of nutrients that includes ...,
The minimum amount of sleep that ...,
The group of drugs to which alcoh...
44  cards
Order and Design Q16
Animal that primarily eats meat,
Grinding tooth,
The state in which a mammal s bod...
10  cards
Order and Design Q17
The fluid containing sac in which...,
The category to which sloths and ...,
The group of primates that do not...
10  cards
Order and Design Q18
The largest rodent,
The bovid head structure that con...,
A beaver s nest
11  cards
Order and Design Test 6
Coloration that allows an animal ...,
An originally created type of org...,
What a group of kangaroos is called
54  cards

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science 7th

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