This class was created by Brainscape user adam ringhof. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (24)

Science Ch3
There are two main ways substance...,
What are the two types of passive...,
________ is the movement of molec...
32  cards
Science 4A
A group of cells that performs a ...,
A _________ ________ is made of m...,
List the four levels of cellular ...
19  cards
Science 4B
Describe the process of aerobic c...,
Differentiate between aerobic cel...,
List two examples of anaerobic ce...
43  cards
Science 4C
True or false only producers prim...,
Photosynthesis is the process tha...,
Photosynthesis takes these three ...
33  cards
Pop quiz cellular respiration 1 w...,
Do all organisms perform cellular...,
What is the usable form of energy...
9  cards
Chapter 5A
A cell that has pairs of chromoso...,
True or false genes are composed ...,
A diploid human cell contains a 2...
68  cards
Chapter 5B
What is the process in which dna ...,
Name the four bases that are foun...,
List three differences between dn...
34  cards
Chapter 6A
What kind of plants did mendel us...,
__________ is the study of inheri...,
In mendel s experiment was the f1...
30  cards
Science 6B
What are mendel s factors called ...,
How many chromosomes does a norma...,
What do the letters along the top...
28  cards
Science 6C
List three methods physicians can...,
Give reasons why god would allow ...,
Give a bible verse that teaches t...
13  cards
Chapter 7A
How are mutations an example of d...,
What is a mutation,
The use of living organisms to cr...
18  cards
Chapter 7B
______ _______ is the use of gene...,
Using special techniques to contr...,
In _______ _______ man chooses or...
15  cards
Chapter 7C
Describe two methods of forming a...,
Explain why cloning is important ...,
Differentiate between human ident...
13  cards
Chapter 7D
Differentiate between embryonic s...,
Explain what stem cells are and w...,
Defend a biblical position regard...
10  cards
True or false a gene mutation cau...,
Shorter human lifespans diseases ...,
A mutation in a sweat producing c...
7  cards
Chapter 8A
Why is a literal interpretation o...,
What did god give man that he did...,
How old do most young earth creat...
11  cards
Chapter 8B
2 who wrote origin of species a l...,
Why are acquired traits not passe...,
3 describe two of the major parts...
11  cards
Chapter 8C
This is a lineup of organisms in ...,
They believe the closer organisms...,
Each time a limb on the tree bran...
21  cards
Science 9A
2 list three ways that archaebact...,
1 how are the two bacterial kingd...,
3 what are the three shapes bacte...
24  cards
Science 9B
How would you distinguish a large...,
1 true or false protozoans and al...,
Describe three ways protozoans ca...
8  cards
Science 11B
Where specifically is pollen prod...,
The female reproductive part of a...,
Which occurs first fertilization ...
10  cards
Science 12C
2 true or false the planarian is ...,
The simple brain of many inverteb...,
6 planarians can reproduce sexual...
13  cards
Science 12D
What is the function of the earth...,
Where in the earthworm s digestiv...,
What type of vessel carries blood...
15  cards
Science 11A
Name two ways to classify a plant,
Most plants use seeds to reproduc...,
_______ ______ conducts water and...
24  cards

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