This class was created by Brainscape user Melanie Welsh. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

What is a renewable resource,
What is a non renewable resource,
What is a fossil fuel
7  cards
Earths Spheres
1  cards
Greenhouse Effect
How does the greenhouses effect e...,
How do humans contribute to globa...
2  cards
What is classification,
Why is classification important i...,
How are living things classified
5  cards
Living Things
What are living things made of,
How are living things classified,
What is the hierarchy
7  cards
Food Chains & Food Webs
What is a fiod chain,
Characteristics of organims,
Predation example
5  cards
Example of a contact force,
Example of non contact,
What unit is a force measured in
19  cards
Weight and Mass
What is the weight of an object r...,
What is the relationship between ...,
What is the difference between ma...
4  cards
14  cards
Definition - 2
10  cards
Characteristics of solids,
Characteristics of liquids,
Characteristics of gas
10  cards
What is density measured in,
In order for something to sink wh...,
Can solids float in liquids
4  cards
Elements, Compounds, Mixtures
What is a mixture,
How would you seperate a homogene...,
What is a homogeneous mixture
10  cards
The Parodic Table
What is an atomic structure,
What is an atomic number,
What is a symbol inn the periodic...
5  cards
Physical And Chemical Change
When does a physical change occur,
When is a chemical change occur,
5 ways to know it is a chemical c...
6  cards

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