This class was created by Brainscape user Ashley Bellmyer. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (37)

Lab Math
1 kg,
1 in,
1 kilo
78  cards
Gene Nomenclature
Le lewis,
Fy duffy,
Jk kidd
22  cards
What is dna composed of,
Purine bases are,
Pyrimidine bases are
49  cards
RBC Membrane and Structure
What does lipid bilayer consist of,
What of membrane is lipid,
What of membrane is protein
17  cards
What are the 3 lines of defense,
What are the primary lymphoid organs,
What are secondary lymphoid organs
66  cards
What is the function of igs,
What is the structure of igs,
What is the fab
38  cards
Antibody/Antigen Interactions
What is antigenicity,
What is immunogenicity,
What factors affect immunogenicity
13  cards
What are the functions of complement,
What is required for complement a...,
Properties of complement system
42  cards
A, B, and H
What is a blood group system,
Red cell antigens are,
Where are abo antigens found in b...
67  cards
Lewis System
Five characteristics of the lewis...,
What chromosome is le gene locate...,
What does the le gene code for
29  cards
What antigens are in the p1pk bgs,
What antigens are in the globosid...,
What antigens are in the globosid...
40  cards
What gene codes for i antigen,
What chromosome is i gene located on,
I adult phenotype
33  cards
Rh antigen
What is the second autosomal link...,
What was the fisher and race theory,
What was the weiner theory
117  cards
Rh System High's and Low's
Partial diiia,
Partial diva,
Partial dv
22  cards
Rh and Common Antigen Frequencies
R1 black,
R2 black,
R0 black
27  cards
MNSs System
What chromosome is gypa and gypb ...,
What are the gypa and gypb antige...,
How many antigen sites are on gypa
53  cards
What chromosome is kel located on,
When can kell antigens be detecte...,
What cells are kell found on
38  cards
What is the structure of the kidd...,
What is the jk3 allele,
What are the characteristics of j...
18  cards
What chromosome is fy gene locate...,
What is the gene name for fy,
What antigens are present if fy 0...
27  cards
Other Blood Groups
What is the structure of co antigens,
What antigens are present in colt...,
What are characteristics of the c...
134  cards
What are the lu first,
How many antigens are in lu system,
What is frequency of lua and lub
21  cards
Special Techniques
What are the sulfhydryl reagents,
How do sulfhydryl reagents work,
What is 001 m dtt used for
85  cards
What is polyagglutination,
What are polyagglutinins,
How is polyagglutination detected
24  cards
Pretransfusion and Blood Adminstration
What does aabb require on a pre t...,
What does cap require on a pre tr...,
How long should specimens be stored
39  cards
Transfusion Therapy
What of donor cells die every day,
1 kg equals how many lbs,
How much will 1 unit of rbcs incr...
56  cards
Everything on Platelets and Granulocytes
What is the mvp,
What is the ipf,
What is platelet aggrogemetry
98  cards
How much will 1 volume exchange r...,
What of substance will remain aft...,
How is tpe used to treat mm patients
28  cards
Donor Selection
What information is requested dur...,
Whats the minimum age to be a donor,
Whats the minimum weight to be a ...
77  cards
Component Prepartion
How long is wb good for in acd or...,
How long is wb good for in cdpa 1,
How much plasma is removed from w...
60  cards
Donor Testing
What was the first required infec...,
What units need to be tested for ...,
What units need to be tested for ...
83  cards
What is a normal hgb for infants ...,
What is a normal hgb for infants ...,
What type of antibodies can cause...
26  cards
Why is dat positive in waiha,
Why is a control done with positi...,
What enhances warm auto antibody ...
100  cards
RBC metabolism and Disorders
What do rbcs need energy for main...,
What pathway is 90 95 of the gluc...,
What are the products of the embd...
123  cards
WBC Dissorders
What are oncogenes,
What are congenital causes of leu...,
What are somatic causes of leukemia
28  cards
What is primary hemostasis,
What is secondary hemostasis,
What glycoproteins on the platele...
73  cards
HLA system
What is the structure of class i ...,
What cells are class 1 antigens l...,
What are the class 1 antigens fou...
100  cards
Transfusion RXN
What drug is used to treat ahtr
1  cards

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