sas practice exam

This class was created by Brainscape user Adriel Sta.Ana. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (23)

1: Essentials
How many steps does this program ...,
Running a sas program can create ...,
Which of the following is a sas s...
10  cards
2: Accessing Data
Which column names are valid sele...,
In this proc contents output what...,
Which of the following tables is ...
11  cards
3: Exploring and Validating Data
Based on the following program an...,
Which of the following format sta...,
The format name must include a pe...
10  cards
4: Preparing Data
Which data step creates a permane...,
Which data sources can be used in...,
In which phase does the data step...
12  cards
5: Analyzing and Reporting Data
Title1 the first line title2 the ...,
Which statement substitutes the v...,
Which statement is true based on ...
10  cards
6: Exporting Data
Which statement is false concerni...,
Which proc export step contains v...,
What does the following program c...
10  cards
7: Using SQL in SAS
What is the correct order of the ...,
Which of the following is false r...,
Which syntax is valid for creatin...
10  cards
Ch:2 Basic Concepts
How many observations and variabl...,
How many program steps are execut...,
What type of variable is the vari...
10  cards
Ch 3: Accessing Your Data
How long do librefs remain in eff...,
Which of the following statements...,
When you specify an engine for a ...
8  cards
Ch 4: Creating SAS Data Sets
Which sas statement associates th...,
Which type of delimited file does...,
Which program correctly imports o...
8  cards
Ch 5: Identifying and Correcting SAS Language Errors
Suppose you have submitted a sas ...,
What happens if you submit the fo...,
What generally happens when a syn...
9  cards
Ch 6: Creating Reports
Which proc print step below creat...,
Which of the following proc print...,
Which of the following statements...
9  cards
Ch 7: Understanding DATA Step Processing
Which of the following is not wri...,
During the compilation phase sas ...,
Unless otherwise directed how doe...
11  cards
Ch 8: BY-Group Processing
Select the best answer for each q...,
2your data does not require any p...,
3which temporary variables are av...
7  cards
Ch 9: Creating and Managing Variables
Given the following data set whic...,
Consider the if then statement sh...,
For the observation shown below w...
9  cards
Ch 10: Combining SAS Data Sets
Which program combines workone an...,
Which program combines certprops1...,
If you submit the following progr...
10  cards
Ch 11: Processing Data with DO Loops
1which statement is false regardi...,
During each execution of the foll...,
On january 1 of each year 5 000 i...
10  cards
Ch 12: SAS Formats and Informats
Suppose you do not specify the li...,
Which of the following statements...,
When you create a format with the...
10  cards
Ch 13: SAS Date, Time and Datetime Values
Sas date values are the number of...,
What is an advantage of storing d...,
Sas does not automatically make a...
7  cards
Ch 14: Using Functions to Manipulate Data
Select the best answer for each q...,
A typical value for the character...,
A typical value for the numeric v...
8  cards
Ch 15: Producing Descriptive Statistics
The default statistics produced b...,
Which statement limits a proc mea...,
The data set certhealth includes ...
10  cards
Ch 16: Creating Output
Using ods statements how many typ...,
If ods is set to its default sett...,
What is the purpose of closing th...
10  cards
SAS Practice Exam
Which statement about sas librari...,
Assume that sasuserone does not e...,
This question will ask you to pro...
20  cards

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sas practice exam

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