This class was created by Brainscape user Michael Bass. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (56)

S3 Website Hosting
What is required to make an s3 bu...,
How can you secure an s3 hosted s...,
Which configuration allows you to...
10  cards
S3 Versioning & Delete
What is s3 object versioning and ...,
How does s3 object versioning pro...,
What is mfa delete in amazon s3 a...
10  cards
S3 Resource Policies
What is a resource policy in the ...,
How do s3 bucket policies differ ...,
Can s3 bucket policies restrict a...
10  cards
S3 Performance Optimization
What is the best practice for max...,
How does amazon s3 transfer accel...,
What is the recommended method fo...
10  cards
S3 Encryption
What is client side encryption in...,
What is server side encryption wi...,
What is server side encryption wi...
10  cards
S3 Bucket Keys
What are amazon s3 bucket keys,
How do s3 bucket keys reduce cost...,
In what scenario is enabling amaz...
10  cards
S3 Object Storage Classes
What are the main amazon s3 stora...,
What is the s3 standard storage c...,
How does the s3 intelligent tieri...
10  cards
S3 Lifecycle Management
What is amazon s3 lifecycle manag...,
How can you transition objects to...,
What is the difference between ob...
9  cards
S3 Replication
What is cross region replication ...,
What is the purpose of same regio...,
In what scenario would you use cr...
10  cards
S3 Presigned URLs
What is an s3 presigned url,
How are s3 presigned urls created,
For what operations can s3 presig...
10  cards
S3 Select & Glacier Select
What is amazon s3 select,
How does amazon s3 select improve...,
In what scenarios is s3 select mo...
10  cards
S3 Events
What are amazon s3 events,
How can amazon s3 events be used,
What types of operations can trig...
10  cards
S3 Access Logs
What are amazon s3 access logs,
How can you enable amazon s3 acce...,
For what purposes can s3 access l...
10  cards
S3 Object Lock
What is amazon s3 object lock,
How does s3 object lock work,
What are the key modes of s3 obje...
10  cards
S3 Access Points
What are amazon s3 access points,
How do s3 access points work,
What are the benefits of using s3...
10  cards
VPC Subnets
What is a vpc subnet,
How are subnets classified in aws...,
What is the purpose of subnetting...
10  cards
VPC Routing, IGW, Bastion Hosts
What is vpc routing,
What is an internet gateway igw,
How do you enable internet access...
10  cards
VPC S3 Stateful/Stateless
What is a stateless firewall,
What is a stateful firewall,
How do stateless firewalls differ...
10  cards
What is a network access control ...,
How do nacls operate in aws,
What distinguishes a nacl from a ...
10  cards
VPC Security Groups
What is a security group in aws,
How do security groups work in aws,
How does a security group differ ...
10  cards
What is nat,
What is a nat gateway in aws,
How does nat work
10  cards
EC2 Instance Types
What is amazon ec2,
What are the main categories of e...,
What are general purpose instance...
10  cards
EBS Volume Types
What is amazon ebs,
What are the different types of e...,
What is a general purpose ssd volume
10  cards
EC2 Instance Volumes
What is an instance store volume,
What are the characteristics of i...,
In what scenarios are instance st...
10  cards
EC2 Snapshots, Restore, Fast Snapshot Restore
What is an amazon ebs snapshot,
How does restoring from an ebs sn...,
What is fast snapshot restore fsr
10  cards
EBS Encryption
What is ebs encryption,
How does ebs encryption work,
What is aws kms
10  cards
EC2 Network Interface, IP and DNS
What is an ec2 network interface eni,
How can enis be used to enhance s...,
What are the types of ip addresse...
10  cards
What is an amazon machine image ami,
How are amis categorized,
What components make up an ami
10  cards
EC2 Purchase Options
What are the main ec2 purchase op...,
What are on demand instances,
What are reserved instances
11  cards
EC2 Instance Status Checks and Auto Recovery
What are ec2 instance status checks,
How many types of status checks a...,
What actions can be taken if an i...
10  cards
EC2 Horizontal and Vertical Scaling
What is horizontal scaling in ec2,
What is vertical scaling in ec2,
What are the benefits of horizont...
10  cards
EC2 Instance Metadata
What is ec2 instance metadata,
How can you access ec2 instance m...,
What kind of information can you ...
10  cards
What is amazon elastic file syste...,
How does efs differ from ebs,
What are the key features of efs
10  cards
AWS Backup
What is aws backup,
How does aws backup differ from t...,
What aws services can be backed u...
10  cards
Elastic Load Balancer
What is an elastic load balancer elb,
What are the types of elastic loa...,
How does an application load bala...
10  cards
Route 53 Routing
What is amazon route 53,
What are the key functions of rou...,
How does route 53 support health ...
10  cards
Route 53 Zones
What is a route 53 hosted zone,
What are the types of route 53 ho...,
How do you create a route 53 host...
10  cards
Route 53 Health Checks
What are route 53 health checks,
How do route 53 health checks work,
What types of health checks does ...
10  cards
RDS Multi-AZ deployments
What is amazon rds multi az deplo...,
What is the difference between mu...,
How does rds multi az deployment ...
10  cards
RDS Automatic Backup, RDS Snapshots, and the Restore
What are rds automatic backups,
How do rds snapshots differ from ...,
What is the retention period for ...
10  cards
RDS Read-Replicas
What are rds read replicas,
How do rds read replicas work,
What databases support rds read r...
10  cards
RDS Security
What is encryption at rest in ama...,
What databases support encryption...,
How does rds handle encryption in...
10  cards
Aurora & Aurora Serverless
What is amazon aurora,
How does aurora improve database ...,
What are the key features of amaz...
10  cards
Aurora Global Database
What is an aurora global database,
How does the replication work in ...,
What are the primary benefits of ...
10  cards
Aurora Multi-master Writes
What is aurora multi master writes,
How does aurora multi master diff...,
What are the benefits of using au...
10  cards
RDS Proxy
What is amazon rds proxy,
How does rds proxy improve databa...,
Why is rds proxy beneficial for a...
10  cards
Database Migration Service
What is amazon database migration...,
How does dms minimize downtime du...,
What types of databases can be mi...
10  cards
CloudWatch Logs
What is amazon cloudwatch logs,
How can cloudwatch logs help in s...,
What are some common use cases fo...
10  cards
What is aws cloudtrail,
How does cloudtrail work,
What types of events does cloudtr...
10  cards
Control Tower
What is aws control tower,
How does aws control tower simpli...,
What are the key features of aws ...
10  cards
EC2 Instance Types
What are ec2 instance types,
What are general purpose instance...,
What are compute optimized instan...
10  cards
API Gateway
What is amazon api gateway,
How does api gateway support rest...,
What is the role of api gateway i...
10  cards
Lambda Networking
How does aws lambda interact with...,
What changes when you configure a...,
What is the role of enis in lambd...
10  cards
Lambda Invocation and Execution
What are the different aws lambda...,
How do versions work in aws lambda,
What are aliases in aws lambda
10  cards
Step Functions
What are aws step functions,
How do step functions work,
What is the purpose of step funct...
10  cards
What is amazon sqs,
How does sqs support the decoupli...,
What are the types of queues offe...
10  cards

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