russian history

This class was created by Brainscape user Alex Moodley. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (27)

The Era of the Dumas
What did the petersburg soviet th...,
What were the conditions of the o...,
What was the lower chamber
20  cards
Alexander 2nd Domestic Reforms
What years were the military reforms,
Who was responsible for the milit...,
What were the military reforms of...
34  cards
What was the problem with the nat...,
What was going on in ukraine that...,
What was alexander 2nd s relation...
26  cards
Bolshevik Seizure & Consolidation of Power
When did lenin return to petrogra...,
What kerenskys reaction to lenins...,
On 10 october lenin finally won t...
28  cards
The Civil War
What were some of lenin s changes...,
Which policies could be justified...,
What shows lenin s readiness to c...
23  cards
1894-1914 Economic Development - Industrial
Who was the finance minister who ...,
From 1894 to 1913 what was the ec...,
How much did railways increase by
25  cards
1894-1914 Economic Development - Agricultural
How much of the population did ag...,
What was the key factor in the ac...,
What decrease in average holding ...
18  cards
1894-1914 Social Developments
What was the increase in urban fa...,
What was the increase in urban wo...,
What were the different ways peas...
43  cards
1894-1914 Opposition and Ideologies
What contributed to the increasin...,
Where was liberalism particularly...,
What did the zemstva petition nic...
35  cards
Political Problems of Tsardom in Wartime
How was the war initially popular,
Which two battles dampened patrio...,
What inflamed discontent in the h...
34  cards
Development of Russia under Dual Power of 1917
What was the prov gov constituted of,
What was the intention of the pro...,
How were the prov gov accepted by...
22  cards
Autocracy of Alexander 2nd
What slowed his appetite for reform,
What failure of alex 2nds meant t...,
What caused alex 2nd to become di...
13  cards
Autocracy of Alexander 3rd
Who encouraged strong slavophilic...,
What was his first act as tsar,
What was included in the 1881 man...
15  cards
Political, Economic & Social Contexts 1855-1894
Along which lines was russia divi...,
Along which lines was russia larg...,
How large was the russian empire ...
26  cards
Growth of opposition to Tsarist rule
How did alexander 2nd s reforms b...,
What did relaxation of censorship...,
How did the role of the zemstva a...
29  cards
1855-1894, Economic and Social Developments
Who were the two finance minister...,
Who was the finance minister 1862...,
What were von reuter s reforms
34  cards
Stalin's Rise - Ideology and Change
What was lenins the testament,
Who did lenin particularly critic...,
Why was the testament never publi...
12  cards
Development of the Stalinist Dictatorship - Gov by 1941
How many party congresses were he...,
What caused a massive expansion i...,
Where did most of the new members...
16  cards
Economy under Stalin
What was economic policy in 1925,
What was economic policy in 1927,
What was stalin s great turn driv...
34  cards
Leninist/Stalinist Society
What did marx teach about social ...,
Who were the burzhui,
What happened with the abolition ...
80  cards
Communist Control and Terror
What were the 3 types of oppositi...,
How did the mensheviks and srs re...,
How did the bolsheviks show their...
46  cards
Soviet Union by 1941
By 1941 how did the party reflect...,
What system rewarded loyal offici...,
What was it suggested that the so...
23  cards
Stalinism in Wartime
What was operation barbarossa,
When did the momentum shift in ba...,
What were the main factors russia...
53  cards
Political Authority 1945-53
What was high stalinism,
Directly following the war ending...,
What was stalin displeased about ...
31  cards
Khrushchev and reaction to Stalinism 1953-1964
What was announced on 6 march 1953,
What was the reaction to malenkov...,
What was khrushchev s immediate a...
24  cards
Post-WW2 Economy under Stalin and Khrushchev
What were the huge economic strai...,
What did stalin establish in 1947,
How did stalin start the cold war
47  cards
Post-WW2 Social Developments under Stalin and Khrushchev
What were social issues faced pos...,
By 1950 what was the increase in ...,
What wiped out savings in 1947
25  cards

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russian history

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