russia in revolution

This class was created by Brainscape user julia solarewicz. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (11)

Nicholas II's accession/short-term factors of 1905 revolution
What were the negative aspects of...,
What were the problems that arose...,
What was the positive effect of n...
54  cards
How did the Tsar maintain control after the 1905 revolution
What happened by 1906 with the ts...,
How did stolypin have the perfect...,
How many government officials wer...
18  cards
early Russian/long-term causes of 1905 revolution
How much of the worlds surface di...,
What was tsarist russia the large...,
What was a major crop growing bre...
29  cards
the 1905 revolution and the duma
Who led the way for the protests ...,
How did the liberals keep the pre...,
What is an example of a new organ...
26  cards
The effect of WW1 on Russia
When did russia join britain and ...,
What was the initial response of ...,
What was the reaction of the bols...
44  cards
The provisional government and it's failures
When did the tsar abdicate,
What two bodies emerged that comp...,
What was the structure of the pro...
43  cards
Lenin's return and his April thesis
Upon lenin s arrival what did he ...,
How did lenin win the argument wi...
14  cards
The rise, fall, rise of the Bolsheviks in 1917
Brief background of kerensky,
When did the pg organise a new of...,
How did the failure of the june o...
15  cards
Bolsheviks maintain their grip on power
How much did the bolsheviks contr...,
What government did lenin set up ...,
What were the aims of lenin issui...
14  cards
Russian civil war
Key features of yudenich s army i...,
Key features of denkins army in t...,
Key features of wrangels army aft...
48  cards
Lenin's economic policies
What did lenin adopt in his first...,
What did lenin replace state capi...,
3  cards

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russia in revolution

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