rsfc chemistry

This class was created by Brainscape user Charlotte Gordon. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

1.1 Atomic structure
Bohr model,
Jj thompson,
Ernest rutherford
38  cards
1.2 Bonding
60  cards
1.3 Amount of substance
Avogadro constant,
Number of particles,
Relative atomic mass
21  cards
1.4 Energetics
Exothermic definition,
Endothermic definition,
Enthalpy change definition
18  cards
1.6 Equilibria
How do you establish equilibrium,
Dynamic definition,
Equilibrium definition
25  cards
1.7 Oxidation, reduction and redox reactions
Oxidation definition,
Reduction increases,
Reducing agent definition
10  cards
2.3 Group 7
Reducing agent definition,
What is the reducing strength of ...,
Write the half equation for iodine
14  cards
3.1 Introduction to organic chemistry
38  cards
3.2 Alkanes
General formula
30  cards
3.3 Haloalkanes
Alkane to haloalkane,
Haloalkane to alkene,
Alkene to haloalkane
38  cards
3.4 Alkenes
C c single bond,
C c double bond,
Is c c or c c stronger
25  cards
3.5 Alcohols
Secondary alcohol to ketone,
Primary alcohol to aldehyde,
Primary alcohol to carboxylic acid
24  cards
3.6 Organic analysis
What is the test for alkenes,
What is the test for haloalkanes,
25  cards
3.8 Le Chateliers principle
Reversible reaction definition,
Explain how a dynamic equilibrium...,
Explain how a dynamic equilibrium...
26  cards
3.10 Aromatic chemistry
What is the molecular structure f...,
What is the other name for the be...,
What is the name of the old struc...
21  cards
3.1.10 Kp
What is a homogeneous reaction,
Name the three states,
What is partial pressure
15  cards
3.3.7 ande 3.3.8 Optical Isomerism and aldehydes and ketones
Name the 2 types of isomerism,
Name the 3 types of structural is...,
Name the 2 types of stereoisomerism
32  cards
3.1.12 Acids and Bases
Acid definition,
Base defintion,
Strong acid definition
28  cards
3.2.6 Reactions of aqueous ions
Coordinate bond definition,
Ligand definition,
Complex ion definition
28  cards

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rsfc chemistry

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