rs - origins and meanings

This class was created by Brainscape user Elyza Marcos. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (25)

Structure and forms of the bible
What is the bible,
What is the old testament,
Evidence for the old testament
7  cards
Revelation and inspiration in the Bible
What is revelation,
What is inspiration,
What does it mean for christians
6  cards
Catholic Christians and the Bible
What do the catholic church teach...,
How can this change a catholics life
6  cards
The Big Bang Theory
What is the big bang,
Who is stephen hawking,
Quote for stephen hawking
4  cards
The theory of evolution
What is evolution,
Who is charles darwin,
What did charles darwin conclude
7  cards
Catholic views on the Big Bang
What does pope francis say about ...,
Quote from pope francis,
What was god s role in the big bang
5  cards
creation in Genesis
What is the book of genesis,
What do catholics believe about g...,
Quote from genesis
7  cards
Creationist christians
What do creationist christians be...,
What do they think about scientif...,
Quotes from genesis
4  cards
Creation ex nihilo - St Augustine
What is creation ex nihilo,
What happened in genesis 1,
Quote from genesis
8  cards
Genesis on the nature of God
What can genesis help christians ...,
God as the creator,
Quote from genesis
10  cards
genesis and humans
What are humans shown as in genes...,
How is love shown in genesis 2,
What is imago dei
8  cards
Stewardship - Catholics
Key concept of stewardship,
What does the catholic church tea...,
Evidence in gensis
10  cards
Humanists - caring for the planet
What do humanists believe,
Humanist slogan,
Why should humans protect the earth
4  cards
Jewish views on respect for the planet
What do jews believe,
Quote in genesis,
What does the torah say
7  cards
Catholic Social Teaching
What is the catholic social teaching,
What is their aim,
Being in the image of god
6  cards
Justice, peace and reconciliation
What is justice,
Quotes from the bible,
What did gaudium et spes say abou...
6  cards
Interfaith dialogue
What is interfaith dialogue,
What are interfaith organisations,
What did pope francis say
6  cards
Charity - the work of CAFOD and SVP
What does the catholic church bel...,
Evidence in genesis,
Why do catholics work for charities
8  cards
Sanctity of Life
What is the sanctity of life,
Quote from genesis,
What do catholics believe about t...
5  cards
Catholic views on abortion.
What is abortion,
Abortion in the uk,
What does the catholic church teach
6  cards
humanist views on abortion
What do humanists believe,
What is relativism,
What would humanists agree on
6  cards
The creation of Adam painting
Where can the creation of adam pa...,
What does the painting show,
Outstretched hands
6  cards
The tree of life - Mosaic
Where can this be found,
Alpha and the omega,
Evidence for the alpha and the omega
6  cards
Catholic statues
Why do catholics have statues and...,
The crucifix,
Quote in the bible
6  cards
Michelangelo's pieta statue
Where does the word pieta come from,
What is the pieta,
Triangle shape
6  cards

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rs - origins and meanings

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