rs:issues of life and death

This class was created by Brainscape user Anna Rijo. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (21)

What do Christians believe about the origins of the world and humanity?
Where do christian beliefs about ...,
Genesis 1 1 2 3,
What does genesis 2 4 2 25 say about
10  cards
what does science say about the origins of the world?
What is a scientific belief about...,
What evidence backs up the big ba...,
Who developed the big bang theory
7  cards
what does science say about the origins of humanity?
What is evolution,
How did life begin 7,
An example of an evolved animal
6  cards
what do christians believe about the nature and value of planet earth?
What do christians believe about ...,
Where do christian beliefs about ...,
Why was earth created 2
10  cards
what do christians believe about their responsibility towards planet earth?
What is stewardship,
What is stewardship based on,
Why do christians believe they sh...
15  cards
Buddhist beliefs, teachings and attitudes towards the environment.
What are buddhist attitudes towar...,
What does the principal of pratit...,
When pratityasamutpada is applied...
6  cards
non-religious views about the environment
Why do humanists believe the plan...,
What do h4bw believe about the fu...,
What do humanists consider when m...
3  cards
christians beliefs about the nature and value of human life
What is sanctity of life,
What do christians believe about ...,
Why is human life sacred 6
8  cards
buddhist beliefs teachings and attitudes towards the value of life
0  cards
non-religious about the importance of human and animal life
0  cards
what do christians believe about when life begins
0  cards
christian attitudes towards abortion
0  cards
non-religious views concerning abortion
0  cards
christian attittudes towards euthanasia
0  cards
non-religous attitudes towards euthanasia
0  cards
humanist attitudes towards euthanasia
0  cards
christian beliefs about desth and the after life
0  cards
buddhist beliefs about life after death
0  cards
humanist beliefs about life after death
0  cards
funeral rites and beliefs about the after life
0  cards
Genesis 1 1,
Psalm 24 1,
Psalm 104 4
7  cards

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rs:issues of life and death

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