rs - good and evil

This class was created by Brainscape user Elyza Marcos. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (20)

Free will defence
What do catholics believe about e...,
Evidence in the bible,
What is the free will defence
7  cards
Pope John Paul - Salvifici Doloris Letter
What is the story of job,
Evidence in the bible,
What did pope john paul write about
6  cards
The suffering of Jesus
How do catholics approach suffering,
What is isaiah 53,
Christians suffering
8  cards
Jewish views on suffering
What do jews believe,
What is god to jews,
What are the solutions to the pro...
6  cards
Original sin
What is natural evil,
What is moral evil,
What is original sin
6  cards
St Auguestine
What is privation,
What was st augustines first point,
What was st augustines second point
6  cards
Gods goodness
What does the term goodness mean,
What do catholics believe about god,
What is the analogy to help us le...
8  cards
J.J Mackie
What is the problem of evil,
Who is jj mackie,
What is jj mackies first point
7  cards
The trinity
What is the trinity,
The nicene creed
9  cards
The incarnation
What does incarnation mean,
Why is it called the incarnation,
What do christians believe
8  cards
the incarnation and the problem of evil
What is the problem of evil for c...,
How does the incarnation help cat...,
Why is it important to christians
7  cards
Jewish beliefs on the Trinity
What do jewish people believe,
What is the shema prayer,
Quote in the shema prayer
6  cards
Moral authority
What do christians believe about ...,
How is jesus the authority of god,
What should people try to do
12  cards
conscience - St thomas Aquinas
What is the term conscience,
What does st thomas aquinas argue,
What do catholics need to make sure
6  cards
Natural Moral law - St thomas Aquinas
What is natural law,
Natural law and gods creation,
What are the main principles of n...
5  cards
What do virtues challange
7  cards
Catholics Pilgrimage.
What is pilgrimage,
Reasons for going on a pilgrimage,
Responses to human suffering
8  cards
What is the rosary?
What is the rosary,
What is a popular peity,
What do each bead represent
8  cards
Sorrowful mysteries
What are the sorrowful mysteries,
The agony in the garden,
The scourging at the pillar
7  cards
Jewish PIlgramage to Jerusalem
Why is isreal important,
What do they believe about the sh...,
What does the torah tell jews to do
6  cards

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rs - good and evil

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