This class was created by Brainscape user tahrem Tania. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (22)

What is doxa,
What is noeton,
What is horaton
46  cards
Aquinas conscience,
What is recta ratio,
23  cards
What is suicide,
What is assisted suicide,
What is voluntary euthanasia
32  cards
Natural Law
What does natural law mean,
What are the primary precepts,
What are the 4 types of law
31  cards
Situation Ethics
Situation ethics,
What are the three ethical theories,
What is legalistic
28  cards
Pure Land buddhism
What are the main teachings or su...,
What was the main intent or purpo...,
What did bodhisattva dharmakara l...
42  cards
Life Of Buddha Key Words
45  cards
Kantian Ethics
What does duty mean,
Why is kantian ethics deontological,
How reason autonomy and freedom a...
31  cards
The Four Noble Truths
What are the 4 noble truths,
What does dukkha mean,
What is the eight fold path
63  cards
What was aristotle,
What does substance mean,
What does form mean
27  cards
What is utilitarianism,
Who began with the theory of util...,
What was the words that he came a...
43  cards
Problem of Evil
What are the two types of evil,
What is the logical problem of evil,
Why is evil logically a problem f...
55  cards
The teleological (Design) argument
What are the anthropic constants,
How do you explain the anthropic ...,
What is the design argument
42  cards
The Three Refuge
What are the three refuge,
What is the yellow jewel,
What is the blue jewel
38  cards
The Three Marks of Existence
What are the three marks of exist...,
What are the two levels of change,
What is gross level change
41  cards
Ontological argument
What is the basic ontological arg...,
What type of proof is the ontolog...,
What is the purpose of proof
35  cards
What are the six realms of existence,
What is the human realm,
What is the heaven realm
36  cards
Buddhism and gender
What is sexual equality means fro...,
What are some of the key challeng...,
What was the position of women li...
45  cards
Cosmological Argument
What is the basic cosmological ar...,
What does cosmology mean,
What is aquinas first way the unm...
23  cards
Engaged Buddhism
What is engaged buddhism,
Why do buddhist feel that social ...,
How does engaged buddhism deviate...
18  cards
Madhyamaka and Prajnaparamita Sutras
What is prajnaparamita,
What is perfect wisdom,
What is the central insight of th...
43  cards
Buddhism in the far east: Zen
What is the flower sermon,
Who was mahakasyapa,
Who was bodhidharma
34  cards

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