This class was created by Brainscape user Ben White. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

2 - Procurement and Tendering
What are the general steps of a t...,
What goes in a form of tender,
What is included in a tender report
39  cards
2 - Project Finance
What are the different types of c...,
Explain an s curve,
What is cost control
36  cards
2 - Stakeholder Management
What is the iceberg model,
What is a stakeholder analysis ma...,
What are the main four quadrants ...
8  cards
3 - Contract Practice
What should you consider when rec...,
What does a contract need to be b...,
What are the differences between ...
179  cards
3 - Programming and Planning
What is the difference between to...,
What is the critical path,
Explain earned value
34  cards
3 - Development and Project Briefs
What is a business case,
When is a business case done and ...,
What is the difference between a ...
21  cards
3 - Managing Projects
What is contained within the less...,
How do you assess team performance,
Can you explain a time where you ...
31  cards
3 - Leading People, Projects and Teams
What are the different types of l...,
Explain maslow s hierarchy of needs,
What are the key levels of maslow...
17  cards
2 - Construction Technology and Environmental Services
What are the two types of piling,
What environmental legislation ar...,
What did the environment act do i...
82  cards
Contract Administration
What is the role of a contract ad...,
How can the role of a contract ad...,
What is the role of an employers ...
29  cards
Mandatory & Core Experience
Acting with integrity,
Acting honestly exmaple,
Acting within competence
23  cards
Level 3
What is an advanced payment bond,
What type of bond is an advanced ...,
Why did you not do this under a l...
23  cards

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rics mandatory

  • Class purpose General learning

Learn faster with Brainscape on your web, iPhone, or Android device. Study Ben White's RICS Mandatory flashcards for their Parkside Federation class now!

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Brainscape's adaptive web mobile flashcards system will drill you on your weaknesses, using a pattern guaranteed to help you learn more in less time.

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Brainscape is a digital flashcards platform where you can find, create, share, and study any subject on the planet.

We use an adaptive study algorithm that is proven to help you learn faster and remember longer....

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