rics apc - autumn 2023

This class was created by Brainscape user Jonathan Davies. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (22)

Ethics, Rules of Conduct and Professionalism
Could you please name the 5 globa...,
When were the 5 global and profes...,
What is the purpose of the rics g...
95  cards
Client Care
Why is identifying all clients co...,
Are there behaviours that you wou...,
How do you establish a good worki...
31  cards
Communication and Negotiation
What are meeting minutes and why ...,
What information do you typically...,
In what areas of your work do you...
21  cards
Health and Safety
Why are the cdm 2015 regulations ...,
What are the cdm 2015 regulations,
How do you ensure that the projec...
63  cards
Accounting Principles and Procedures
What information is included with...,
What is a cash flow statement,
What information is included with...
16  cards
Business Planning
What information is typically inc...,
Could you please provide an overv...,
What business related information...
17  cards
Conflict Avoidance, Management and Dispute Resolution
Could you please provide an overv...,
What is a conflict of interest,
What is conflict avoidance
19  cards
Data Management
What information was included as ...,
Does your company have an specifi...,
What is confidentiality and why i...
11  cards
Diversity, Inclusion and Teamworking
Why is diversity inclusion import...,
What do you do to promote diversi...,
What approved document are you aw...
20  cards
Inclusive Environments
In your role as project manager h...,
What is the legal requirement for...,
Why is it morally important for b...
7  cards
What are the rics un sustainable ...,
When were these goals published,
What impact do construction proje...
19  cards
Construction Technology and Environmental Services
What does riba stand for,
Could you please confirm the stag...,
What is the benefit of managing p...
69  cards
Contract Practice
Could you please outline some fun...,
Could you please outline some key...,
What is a form of tender
95  cards
Development / Project Briefs
When is project commencement typi...,
What key stakeholders that you wo...,
What information is typically inc...
49  cards
Leading Projects, People and Teams
How do meeting minutes assist you...,
How does a responsibility matrix ...,
How do dashboard reports allow yo...
50  cards
Managing Projects
How do you typically go about bei...,
How does your management approach...,
How is the project brief an impor...
50  cards
Programming and Planning
How would you go about accelerati...,
What would you expect to see on a...,
What are methods that would be re...
53  cards
Procurement and Tendering
Could you please provide an outli...,
What is the difference between te...,
How does a choice of contract rel...
43  cards
Project Finance
What is the difference between va...,
How would typically control cost ...,
How do cost estimates assist with...
27  cards
Works Progress and Quality Management
How is the design programme colla...,
Who s responsibility is it to rep...,
How regularly would you receive a...
17  cards
Contract Administration
What is the difference between co...,
What are the timescales associate...,
How do you ensure a contractor s ...
37  cards
Case Study
When was capital house constructed,
Who was the developer originally ...,
Who was the architect involved in...
45  cards

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rics apc - autumn 2023

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