This class was created by Brainscape user Sean Robinson. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (20)

Ethics, Rules of Conduct and Professionalism
How does rics ensure standards of...,
What are the rules of conduct,
Can you provide 5 example behavio...
84  cards
What is the role of rics,
What is the royal charter,
Where are rics international head...
23  cards
Client Care
In your view what is meant by the...,
Why is client care important,
How do you conduct yourself when ...
32  cards
Communication & Negotiation
Please define what communication is,
What are the main types of commun...,
Please provide some advantages of...
18  cards
Health & Safety
What is the hse,
Please define what service the hs...,
How long should h s data be kept for
63  cards
Accounting Principles and Procedures
What is vat,
What is corporation tax,
What is a financial audit
43  cards
Business Planning
In terms of business planning wha...,
What is benchmarking on a constru...,
What is a pestle analysis
21  cards
Conflict Avoidance, Management, and Dispute Resolution Procedures
How can you avoid conflict in the...,
If conflict occurs how do you dea...,
What could indicate the success o...
30  cards
Data Management
How long do you need to keep data...,
What type of data systems are use...,
What is a project extranet system
21  cards
Diversity, Inclusion and Teamworking
What is workplace diversity,
What are some of the advantages o...,
Please explain what inclusion in ...
19  cards
Inclusive Environments
What are inclusive environments,
What is discrimination,
Are there any building regulation...
8  cards
Why is sustainability important t...,
What do we mean by sustainable de...,
Can you define social environment...
44  cards
Contract Practice
What is a contract,
Please define express terms,
Please define what is meant by im...
190  cards
Programme and Planning
What are the names of each stage ...,
Why do we have the riba plan of work,
What is a programme and why do we...
18  cards
Construction Technology and Environmental Services
Which riba stage is on site const...,
What is buildability,
What are the benefits of off site...
100  cards
Procurement and Tendering
What is procurement,
What are the main factors that ty...,
Which procurement options are you...
82  cards
Project Finance / Design Economics and Cost Planning / Quantification and Costing
What are the typical responsibili...,
If you are producing estimates an...,
Can you name the three documents ...
123  cards
Contract Administration
Who is responsible for administer...,
Please detail some of the key res...,
Do you know how the employer s ag...
14  cards
Hot Topics
What does bim stand for,
What is bim,
What are the key benefits of bim
38  cards
Case Study
Why did you use the jct intermedi...,
Why did you use the jct intermedi...,
What did you prepare a stage 4 co...
17  cards

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rics apc

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