This class was created by Brainscape user Amelia Tims. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

Valuation L2
What are the two pieces of rics d...,
What are the 5 methods of valuation,
What are the three valuation appr...
98  cards
Valuation - Summary of Experience Qs
What are the five methods of valu...,
Why are valuations undertaken,
What factors affect value
27  cards
Ethics L3
When was the rics founded,
When did the ric receive its roya...,
What does rics stand for
131  cards
Ethics L3 - Summary of Experience
What is the purposed of the rics,
How many byelaws are there give m...,
What are the 5 rules of conduct
27  cards
Client Care, Business Planning, Accounting, Inclusive, Sustainability, Diversity, Communicating and Negotiation, Measurement
How do you make sure you provide ...,
How can you measure a clients sat...,
What is a business plan
64  cards
Data Management
What are the main acts relating t...,
What does the data protection act...,
What are the 8 rights under the dpa
11  cards
Health and Safety
What is the main rics guidance on...,
What does surveying safely set out,
What is the structure of surveyin...
50  cards
What is the contents of your insp...,
In your liverpool street example ...,
What made you pursue a nil increa...
25  cards
Conflict Avoidance and Dispute Resolution
What are some different forms of adr,
What are the characteristics of a...,
What is the rics document on inde...
42  cards
Strategic Real Estate
In your example in piccadilly wha...,
What was the epc rating of your c...,
Why did
20  cards
Access and Rights
What is an easement,
What is an easement,
What is the process of applying f...
36  cards
Landlord and Tenant
What do you know about the 1st ja...,
What did the,
When might it be reasonable to de...
34  cards
Tricky Qs I keep Getting Wrong
What are the 5 exemptions from th...,
What is professional standard 2 o...
202  cards

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rics apc

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  • 20 decks
  • 919 flashcards
  • 10 learners
Decks: Js Health And Safety, Js Client Care, Js Communication And Negotiation, And more!
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