This class was created by Brainscape user Sophie Danaher. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

Biology- cells
Adaptations of a root hair cell,
Definition of mitosis,
Definition of meiosis
13  cards
Geography- Fieldwork
What is the physical enquiry title,
What is the human enquiry title,
State the physical enquiry hypoth...
8  cards
Chemistry- Atomic Structure + periodic table
What did jj thomson discover and ...,
What discovery did ernest rutherf...,
What experiment did rutherford ca...
8  cards
Pe- PEDs
What is the acronym for the types...,
How does blood doping improve per...,
Consequences of blood doping
16  cards
Pe- physical, emotional and social health
Definition of well being,
Physical health benefits
5  cards
Maths- Probability and statistics
What does a u b stand for and wha...,
What does a n b stand for and wha...,
What does a stand for and what nu...
4  cards
Chemistry- Bonding, Structure and Properties of matter
What is covalent bonding,
What is ionic bonding,
What are the properties of ionic ...
12  cards
Business- Marketing
What are the 2 types of research ...,
What is primary research,
What is secondary research
3  cards
Biology- Infection and response
What is a communicable disease,
State the 4 types of pathogens,
What are the 3 examples of viral ...
6  cards
Business- People
What is the employment law,
What is the equality act 2010,
How many hours does the uk law st...
13  cards
Geography- Urban issues + challenges
What is causing urbanisation,
What are the push factors to live...,
What are the four factors to live...
4  cards
Physics- Atomic structure
What is an isotope,
Alpha particle characteristics,
Beta particle characteristics
15  cards
Business- Business opportunity
What is a business plan
1  cards
Pe- Respiratory system
What is tidal volume,
What is vital capacity,
What is residual volume
3  cards
Pe- fitness amd testing
What are the issues with fitness ...
1  cards

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  • Class purpose General learning

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