This class was created by Brainscape user Eilidh MacCormick. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

Briefly decribe the raas system,
How do ace inhibitors work
23  cards
Give 2 examples of tricyclic anti...,
Tricyclic antidepressants indicat...,
Give 2 examples of ssris
20  cards
What are the 7 elements of caries...,
What is caries,
What is a white spot lesion
28  cards
Drugs 2
Name an example of an anti resorp...,
What is denosumab used to treat a...,
Side effects of anti resorptive d...
20  cards
BDS3 - pain pathway and pain meds
What is produced when there is ti...,
After the release of arachidonic ...,
Discuss the cycloxygenase pathway
20  cards
pain meds 2
Paracetamol mode of action,
Role of hydroperoxides in the cyc...,
Paracetamol groups for caution
10  cards
operative dentistry
What determines cavity design 3,
Primary dentine,
Secondary dentine
11  cards
What does composite consist of,
Composite bond strenght,
What type of composite has the be...
21  cards
What is used to etch enamel,
Name 3 reasons why dentine bondin...,
20  cards
4 stages in acrylic resin polymer...,
Initiator within pmma,
Gaseous porosity
6  cards
BDS2 2
Normal distance of bone from acj,
What amount of attachment loss pe...,
Normal rate of attachment loss
25  cards
What does bewe stand for,
Bewe scores,
Name 3 virulence factors of porph...
20  cards
Mechanical methods of denture hyg...,
Alkaline peroxides for denture cl...,
Alkaline hypochlorite for denture...
20  cards
BDS3 2
Canine relationship classes ortho...,
What supernumerary commonly comes...,
Amount of force required for tipp...
7  cards
SAQ book
Why is obstruction most common in...,
What side will mandible deviate t...
2  cards
past paper areas
Virulence factors of pgingivalis,
4 indications for inhalation seda...,
Implication of complete upper den...
14  cards
What are the 9 gdc principles,
Why is calcium hydroxide used for...,
What wire for flexible splint
57  cards
other 2
Definition of addiction,
Alcohol associated dental problems 5,
Heroin associated dental problems
18  cards
Apical gauging,
What must you do between each rou...,
Why must smear layer be removed
21  cards

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