This class was created by Brainscape user Ayushi Rajbhandari. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

UNIT 1 Respiratory
Which muscles tense relax the voc...,
Which muscles abduct adduct the v...,
Describe the sensory innervation ...
89  cards
What are the 4 classifications of...,
Describe the general architecture...,
What second messenger system is a...
48  cards
UNIT 3 Cardiovascular
Define chronotropy inotropy dromo...,
Describe the function of the na k...,
List the 5 phases of the ventricu...
73  cards
UNIT 4 Pharmacology I
Define volume of distribution rec...,
What are the implications when a ...,
How do you calculate the loading ...
157  cards
UNIT 5 Pharmacology II
Describe the components of the ne...,
What is conduction velocity and h...,
List the 3 different fiber types ...
144  cards
UNIT 6 Monitors & Equipment
What components are present in th...,
What components are present in th...,
What components are present in th...
80  cards
UNIT 7 Neuro
Name 4 types of glial cells and d...,
List the name and function of the...,
Name the 12 cranial nerves
112  cards
UNIT 8 Regional
What are the 5 divisions of the s...,
Know the anatomy of the vertebrae,
What are the anatomical borders o...
113  cards
UNIT 9 Fluids & Blood
Describe the distribution of body...,
Which populations tend to have a ...,
What are the 2 more important det...
116  cards
UNIT 10 Kidney, Liver, Endocrine
Discuss the anatomy of the renal ...,
Describe the anatomy of the nephron,
How does the kidney contribute to...
210  cards
UNIT 11 Across the Lifespan
How does pregnancy affect minute ...,
How does pregnancy affect the mot...,
How does pregnancy affect the oxy...
195  cards
UNIT 12 Miscellaneous Topics
Describe the architecture of an atom,
How do you know if an atom carrie...,
What is an ionic bond
219  cards

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