This class was created by Brainscape user Katie Glass. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

Bridgework 1
Why do we treat tooth loss,
What are the options for tooth re...,
What is a bridge
31  cards
Bridgework 2
What are the advantages of conven...,
What are the disadvantages of con...,
What are the advantages of a cant...
14  cards
Bridgework 3
What is holistic treatment planning,
What occlusal information must be...,
What must be considered when desi...
18  cards
Wear 1
What is physiological tooth wear,
What is pathological wear,
What are the types of nctsl
23  cards
Wear 2
How do you diagnose tooth wear,
What are the 3 patterns on wear,
What are the solutions to dealing...
30  cards
Wear 3
What should be the first choice o...,
What are the contraindications to...,
If uppers and lowers are both wor...
18  cards
Shortened Dental Arch
What is the shortened dental arch...,
How many units are needed for a p...,
What issues can arise from having...
18  cards
Toothwear 1
Why is aetiology important,
What are the modifying factors of...,
What are the common features of a...
36  cards
Toothwear 2
When are fixed restorations possible,
What are the problems with tooth ...,
What modified preparations can we...
7  cards
Toothwear 3
Why is dental demolition in tooth...,
What factors are considered when ...,
What is needed for operator safet...
13  cards
Implant Planning and Placement
What is osseointegration,
What is primary osseointegration,
What is secondary osseointegration
37  cards
Restoration of Dental Implants
What are the 2 types of implant r...,
What 2 impression techniques are ...,
What are the benefits of open tra...
4  cards
Restoring the Endodontically Restored Tooth
What are the reasons that root tr...,
What questions do we ask about pain,
What are the retreatment question...
15  cards
British Society of Restorative Dentistry Guidelines
What is the decision to place fix...,
What are the alternatives to crow...,
What restoration would be most ap...
14  cards

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restorative dentistry bds4

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Learn faster with Brainscape on your web, iPhone, or Android device. Study Katie Glass's Restorative Dentistry BDS4 flashcards for their University of Glasgow class now!

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Brainscape is a digital flashcards platform where you can find, create, share, and study any subject on the planet.

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