resto bds5 reset again

This class was created by Brainscape user Beth Hunt. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (20)

Dental Material Pros/Cons/Indications/Contras
Rmgic constituents resin,
Rmgic key advantages,
Rmgic key disadvantages
69  cards
The Oral Microbiome, Biofilms, Gingivitis and Periodontitis
Explain the symbiosis of man and ...,
Name and explain different types ...,
Saliva functions
110  cards
Periodontal Disease
Inflammation definition,
Immunity definition,
Adaptive vs innate differences
80  cards
Dental Caries
Dental caries definition,
Dental caries acidogenic theory o...,
Dental caries aetiology of caries...
88  cards
Cavity Preparation*
Advantages and disadvantages to d...,
Main reasons for teeth restoration,
Aims of restorations step 1 2
66  cards
Clinical skills*
Indications for use of fissure se...,
Fissure sealant application techn...,
Classifications of fissure sealants
31  cards
Dental Materials*
Types of high speed instruments,
Types of burs instrument,
How does bearing housing work in ...
182  cards
What are the general statistical ...,
What are the 4 main impacts of to...,
What are the 6 main reasons for t...
630  cards
What are the 4 types of non cario...,
When should we restore a cavity,
When should we avoid restoring a ...
55  cards
What is the definition of endodon...,
What is involved during endodonti...,
What are the reasons to perform e...
545  cards
Fixed Prosthesis
What is the defintion of an extra...,
Name 3 different types of extra c...,
Name the 3 main indications for e...
341  cards
Clinical Skills
Describe how to diagnose tooth wear,
Name the 4 types of tooth surface...,
What are the useful questions to ...
45  cards
How to diagnose post treatment di...,
What is included to enable you to...,
Remember the slob radiography rule
108  cards
What is the defintion of an inlay,
Name the 3 principles of inlays,
Name the indications of inlays
33  cards
Resin-retained Bridges
Name the 3 types of resin retaine...,
Describe the advantages of resin ...,
Name the 3 principles to bridges
56  cards
Surgical Endodontics
Name the 5 types of endodontic su...,
Name the 7 challenges for endodon...,
What is the definition of an apic...
36  cards
Periodontitis - furcation-involved
Which tooth is most affected for ...,
Classification of furcation,
What instrument to measure a furc...
13  cards
Periodontal Surgery
Name 3 categories of periodontal ...,
Name the types of resective perio...,
Name the types of regenrative per...
22  cards
Endodontic Therapy
What is the definition of indirec...,
What is the definition of,
What is the definition of
9  cards
Perio-Prostho Interface
How does the implant interact wit...,
Name the 9 periodontal visal asse...,
What is the definition of healthy...
23  cards

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resto bds5 reset again

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