This class was created by Brainscape user Nicola Smallcombe. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

What is the association with bloo...,
What are the benefits of phosphod...,
Are long term glucocorticoids use...
86  cards
What percentage of asthma patient...,
What are the spirometric values t...,
What makes a good peak flow asses...
90  cards
Thoracic Oncology
What is tx,
What is t0,
What is tis
122  cards
What will you find in bal for sar...,
What is stage 2 sarcoid,
What is the median survival for p...
118  cards
Pulmonary Infection
What is babesiosis and what is us...,
What is lemierre s syndrome,
What is the most common pathogeni...
171  cards
Pleura & Mediastinum
What anti epileptic drug causes l...,
What type of effusion does sodium...,
What is the most common hospital ...
143  cards
What is a cyst,
What is a cavity,
What is a bullae
5  cards
Pulmonary Vascular Disease
Which class of pulmonary htn ther...,
You see a 56 year old woman in th...,
What are the absolute contraindic...
184  cards
Cystic Fibrosis and Bronchiectasis
What is the approximate median li...,
In adults who should we consider ...,
How is cf diagnosed
52  cards
After how many courses in a 1 yea...,
What is included in bronchiectasi...
2  cards
What is pyridoxine supplementatio...,
What anti tb medication needs alt...,
What is treatment regimen for myc...
54  cards
What is the risk of developing tb...,
In the uk when assessing patients...,
What is the treatment regimen for...
52  cards
What are the diagnostic criteria ...,
A patient with copd has saturatio...,
A patient with copd has saturatio...
201  cards
What is the 1 year survival of lu...,
What is the 5 year survival of lu...,
What are the non urgent listing c...
28  cards
What is rem sleep,
What is associated with rem sleep...,
What is catharaemia
47  cards

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respiratory sce

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